Rocketry Blog Post #2

After we finished building our first rocket it was time to launch my whole group was excited to launch our rockets Because we all worked really hard on the rockets.


 I think  my teams launch went really well, our rocket went 118 feet in the air I was pretty surprised because  I thought the fins on our rocket would fall off. My team job was the pumper with Rafa we had to pump the bike pump the air pressure to 50. When we finished that the countdown master (Charles) counted down from ten and when he said RELEASE Maddy pressed the button and the rocket went up in the air the rocket landed with nose cone in the ground and the nose cone now has dirt  in it. Also for the other launches you had to be a Clinometer reader were you had to hold the trigger until the rocket reached its highest point you let go and were ever it was that was how many degrees the rocket went.


After we launched the rockets we had to convert the degrees into feet after we did that  we ended up with 118 feet. When it was time to make changes to our rocket my group decided to keep the body and the nose cone but make the fins taller and skinnier for our second rocket because we thought that would make are rocket go higher because it will take more weight off the rocket and push off more air.


One of the big reasons that my team was successful on the launch was because of teamwork during the launch because we were all on the same page  we had the right timing for example when the countdown master said release the launcher knew exactly when to press the button. During the analyzing and graphing we worked pretty well together  but when graphing everyone had different answers but we figured it out and did the average of all of them.

Rocketry Rocketry blog post #2

In school we are doing our rocketry unit. We have finished our first rocket and launch. My team name is “The Rocketeers.” There was a lot of research in order to build and launch our rockets. Each group made inspiration boards which had things like quotes, images and research. At first, my group just wanted to go right ahead and start designing our rocket, but before we could do any of that there was a lot of research involved. I am glad that we did research because if we did not we probably would not have a good rocket that went really high.


Designing our rocket took time.  We all had to decide on one design.  We had a lot of disagreements, but a lot of agreements. We eventually took a vote to decide on the one we were going to make. We had to start experimenting with different wing sizes, nose cones and body shapes.  We ended up with 3 by 3 inch wings and a small but pointy nose cone and for the body we had to choose a pvc pipe so we chose the skinnier tube to wrap the paper around. When we had everything planned we started building the rocket.


Building our first rocket took some time. When we first started building our rocket it seemed pretty easy, but when we tried rolling the paper over the tube it was actually harder than it looked, but when we did get it we had to tape it together which was pretty easy. Then we had to make a nose cone out of paper by folding  it and cutting halfway and then rolling the paper to be a cone. Also, we made a fin template to trace on cardboard. Finally we cut them out and glued the fins on the body and taped on the nose cone and… we had a rocket!


I think that my group worked really well together. We had our ups and downs but we eventually came to an agreement.  For example, on our first rocket two people wanted a green body but two people wanted a blue body, so we came to a compromise which was a blue nose cone and a green body.  Overall I think my group worked really well and I am glad I am in this group.