Rube Goldberg – Blog Post 3

Post 3: Working Alone

I worked on my own to come up with ideas that will fix a problem my group was having with the original design. Specifically, I worked on the beginning of our design. In our original design, we had a car going down a ramp and hitting dominos to activate the remote for the robot. I realized that it would not work because the domino would not hit the remote successfully to activate the robot. First, I thought that I needed to make the remote stable so it would not move when hit by the domino.  I did that by putting the remote against a box (which acted as a wall).  Then, I thought we need something to push the remote button, like a car. So what I came up with, was having a car go down the ramp hit the dominos which will hit another car and that car will push the button to activate the robot. Also, I realized that the remote and the robot needed not to be far apart. Since this idea worked, I shared it with my group to see if we should include it in our design.  

One thing I learned about working alone is that I don’t have anyone to bounce ideas with.  If I get stuck, I need to keep trying by myself until I figure it out.

I have attached some pictures and a link to a video showing my test of these ideas.

Alex Test Beg – Take 3-2huycxh

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