Passion Project 6

During the Passion Project, I have learned a lot about what it takes to do stand up comedy. I learned that I have to explain what I’m saying when I’m writing my script. When I wrote my script at first it wasn’t funny because I didn’t explain what the joke was about.  I had to Read More…

Passion Project 5

In writing my comedy script, I thought about using the cultural difference between Argentina and Puerto Rico. In addition to using language differences, I used sports to illustrate those cultural difference. I choose (1) baseball because is the national sport of Puerto Rico and (2) soccer because it is the national sport for Argentina. In Read More…

Passion Project 4

Along the way, I have had difficulties coming up with jokes. For example, in the beginning, I made an introduction and then couldn’t come up with jokes. At the same time, I was distracted. I thought that this wasn’t the right time so I came back to it later. In the meantime, I did my Read More…

Passion project 3

  Have you ever heard of a comedian using a different language in his routine? For Instance, Eli Castro speaks in Spanish and English in his shows. I will also be able to use two languages because I speak Spanish and my family is Latino. My family is from Argentina and Puerto Rico. This skill Read More…

Passion Project 2

I have started a draft on the topic that my script is on baseball vs soccer. I chose baseball vs soccer because they are my two favorite sports. I thought baseball and soccer would be a funny topic because people who play these sports will understand the topic so they can understand the jokes. Also, Read More…

Passion Project 1

I have started my Passion Project. The topic that I picked was to make a comedy show. I have conducted some research which consisted on watching videos in YouTube. I have found out that comedians use real life situations and make them into jokes. For example, if I want to make a joke about the Read More…