Free Write #1““““““““““““““““““““““““““

This is what happened on my winter break from head to toe. It started with two days just relaxing sleeping and playing xbox. Out of the blue while I was in deep sleep my mom wake me up she says get prepared we are going to ski. Slowly I get up and get dressed into my ski clothes. The drive feels like It takes centuries. Finally we get there but after a first round I hurt my knee from basketball which I never let fully heal. I spent the rest of the day bored and sitting in the lodge. I could not wait until my dad, mom and brother would come back. Once they come my family and I pack the ski’s and boot’s and get into the car. We get to the hotel and there was a mini arcade and a pool after swimming and gaming in the arcade I go to sleep. the next day it feel just like the same old thing. we get home and once again my mom give’s me news this time she says ” we are going to Kalahari a indoor Waterpark”. Now this was good news. I could finally do something the park was awesome as I did every scary or easy slide I once and for all I was enjoying! Two days later I came back home and said over all this was a great winter break It could have been worse. I had a great time with my family. Great break!

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