
I think Chains is a good book. I think this because the different settings in the book create some kind of mood making it an interesting book to read. Also, the mood can also make you feel sympathy for Isabel and Ruth (Isabel’s younger sister). In addition, things in the book can symbolize certain things. For example, the shiny pebble Ruth picked up on page 11 reminds Isabel about how innocent she is but how she is caught up in the horrible affairs. Also, I think that Isabel took the seeds from her mothers old jar because, when she was about to go, she wanted to bring a bit of her mom and home with her.


The Hunger Games

If you have not read the Hunger Games I really recommend it to you. It is an amazing book but I still think the first book is the best. I think my favorite character has to be Rue. Though, she died. But anyways, if you haven’t read the Hunger Games you really should.
