Launch #2 Reflection

Launch one was pretty good but launch 2 was better this is what we did

After launch 1 we had to change one thing about our rocket. Most of us voted that the problem was the nose cone so that’s that one variable that we changed.

We were ready for launch 2. It was windy, cloudy and very cold in my opinion. When it was my groups turn to launch everything went well until it was time to take off… I pushed the launch button too hard and a little air escaped. But the rocket still went five meters higher than the first launch. Everyone’s group went well. Nothing exploded both times we launched which was a bit disappointing because I was expecting something to blow up, but it was a great experience to be a part of.

I think overall that both launches were great because we didn’t give up on building it which I’m pretty proud of because it was hard to build the rocket itself and launch the rocket to see that it only went 14 meters high when everyone else’s got way higher than ours.

This is my video of Mrs. Roberts class model rocketry unit.

Blog Post #4 for Plants

A seed pod is a thing that holds seeds after you pollinate the plant. I also did another blog post on pollinating which is blog post #3 for plants.


A plant cycle is what a plant goes through while it lives like us, humans. You need to plant the plant or pollinate it so it could reproduce. And if you pollinate the plant all of the beautiful petals if it’s a flower will fall off and some big seed pods start to form which is what happened when we pollinated our wisconsin fast plant. After the seed pods grow the cycle of the plant repeats over again.


  1. Pollinate plant
  2. Petals fall off
  3. Seed pods form
  4. Take seed pods off of plant
  5. Dry seed pods overnight
  6. Open seed pods carefully
  7. Plant seeds that you found in the seed pod in some soil
  8. Water