Curling Field Trip Reflection

On Tuesday morning, our class went to go curling. When we got there, we sat in the warm room and had a talk about what we’re going to do and what our groups were going to go. Before our field trip, we made the groups already, so we knew who to go to.

On the first time I did my practice curl, I accidentally let go when we weren’t supposed to when it was time to curl against another group. Luckily, my group was made up with all of my friends, so we got along nicely. Nobody scored. Until my teammate’s last score. She made her stone go in the house! The house is the main target. The button is in the middle of the house. The closer to the button, the better. We finally got a point. But curling is a sport with good sportsmanship so we didn’t go crazy. After everything, everybody shook hand and said “Good curling,” and left to go back to school.

Curling is a sport I would definitely do again for a field trip except for longer next time. I also want to learn more about sweeping technique and when to and not to stop sweeping. hopefully, I can have another chance to go curling with friends. Thank you for reading this blog post, bye!

Charlie’s Wish

I think Charlie wished for a different thing than she usually wishes. I wonder if she wished for more friends. I think Charlie likes living in Colby because she finally has someone to share her problems with. So I think Charlie wishes to be with her family in Colby. I also think she wished for her not to be lonely any more. She wants to make more friends be with her family and be happy just like the Odom family.

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – #2

A precept means: rules about a really important things.

If you fall get back up and try again. Never give up on what you believe in.

August is at lunch and meets a girl Summer. Summer’s friends tries to get Summer back at their table, but fails. Summer talks to August and they create a Summer only table. They list all they names that are related to Summer. Think August really likes Jack Will because he tried to convince Summer that they should include Jack Will.

Welcome to 4th Grade!

My 4th grade year has begun! I am feeling really good about this year because it’s only been a few weeks and we already made a challenge for reading. Mrs. Volpi is really funny and nice. I know this year is going to be way more challenging than last year. I love Mrs. Volpi as a teacher. This year is going to be super fun. I really want to know my new friends likes and dislikes, as well as my teacher.

My goal for this year is to be the strongest reader I could ever be. I hope I can make more friends and build stronger relationships with my old friends. My second goal is to raise my hand more often and share more of my ideas with my teachers and my classmates, to be less shy and open up a little bit. My last goal is to be stronger at math and lighten up with it.

My Heathcote years are coming to an end so I better make the most of it!