October/November Class Update

Written by Guest Author: Arya Goyal Students in 5-C have been very busy over the past 2 months with the basic curriculum and some activities to prepare for different units or field trips.. Here are some of the activities that we have been recently working on over the months of October and November. Math During Read More…

Final Rocketry Reflection Assignment

Rocketry Reflection Due Friday, Dec. 15th Congratulations!  Your mission has been accomplished!  Now that you have successfully collaborated with your team to design, build and create three amazing rockets, it’s time reflect on this entire process.  Think back to the very beginning of the unit when you first brainstormed ideas and made your inspiration boards Read More…

Rockin’ Rocketry Presentations

As a culminating project to our rocketry unit, students prepared presentations to summarize and reflect upon their group’s journey throughout the process of designing, building and launching their three rockets.  Students spent hours working on these presentations, fine-tuning their slides and making sure their ideas were concise and consistent.  Additionally, we spent a lot of Read More…