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In the overall courted I learned many things, like how to make a crank out of paper, build catapults, and separate electrons and protrons. There where many mistakes and problems along the way such as me picking the wrong sheet, putting a wire in the wrong place and re-finding my bag or materials. 


my favorite part was making the electroscope because not only is it just really cool I think it was the project I learned the most about. another thing I really liked was just learning how the people evloled,  are new machines and technology and then evloled of that technology again. this quarter was full of surprises and knowledge.

In the overall courted I learned many things, like how to make a crank out of paper, build catapults, and separate electrons and protrons. There where many mistakes and problems along the way such as me picking the wrong sheet, putting a wire in the wrong place and re-finding my bag or materials. 


my favorite part was making the electroscope because not only is it just really cool I think it was the project I learned the most about. another thing I really liked was just learning how the people evloled,  are new machines and technology and then evloled of that technology again. this quarter was full of surprises and knowledge.

Testing Catapult

Because my Flipgrid wasnt working I recorded my data, the first time is used it it went 2 feet, the second 1 1/2 and the third 1 3/4. I was using a small plastic cup with a marble inside. I think because i used method one it was more simple and therefore easier to fire. I think overall  my catapult was pretty successful!!

Bulging my catapult

I choose the first catapult opte with ten stacked on top of each other, then rubberbanded on each side. Next i put one other popsicle in a gap between the second to last one, and the last one, then directkley over it on the top, not in a wedge i pout another, and then rubber banded one side.

next i but a bottle cap on the side that wasnt rubberbanded.


during 70000 the first thing even like glue, was oiled down, and used what was demeaned they added pigment, it could be blood or berries. This was the paint  they used on cave walls. So it wasn’t glue. The first real glue was 2000bc approx 4000 years ago.

How do we know? Becaus we found relics or antiques that needed glue.

Then 300 years ago their was a stage called horse glue. Once your horse was like really old and useless you would sell your horse and bring it back to a factory.

then roughly  102 years ago… about 1918 they discovered and developed rubber glue, but wasn’t used that much. Then in world war 2 theY found out 5he thin* milk glue. You use the scraps I guess of the milk after it’s been separated.


It was doing pretty good after the first one,second,third,fourth, but as i cam to the fifth it started wobbling so i plac3s the fifth as carefully as i could. The beam  switched sides on itself, and when I places the sixth one the beam actually snapped and pulled the while thing down.

Making the IV beam

It wasn’t really that difficult, but the cutting, bending,and measuring where by far the most diffucult part. I didn’t want to bend my ruller, and i almost did when folding the flaps. Tuna flaps where really difficulty and i ended up actually ripping the cardboard and having to do it again.

But i did complete it eventually.


For me the glue actually took one minutes to dry, but it was really fun. So after this I attached the two seperate pieces on the sides, let that dry and

Final project

For our last project in quarterly computer tech, we wher given three choices. This was mine. I put some details in about what’s we learned and kind of how it went.

My project gives us details about how to make another column


10/15 computer tech

so how I did this is I just looked at it, counted the squares and planned the most stragtizic and shortest way to compleate it. After the code I just went in and added the gem and toggle switches

Racial Injustice Myths


In certain districts, they fail to teach the right information, in school. for instance, the truth about racial injustice and slavery.

when they teach them the “wrong” information, they alter the facts, to make it seem like, slavery wasn’t that bad ‘”what we have been teaching is a very sanitized version of what slavery was.’’ says Hasan Kwame Jeffries, a history professor at Ohio State University.

when they alter the facts what is left, it what districts, that tell the truth about slavery call a MYTH. In this blog post I will be telling you about four of the most common misunderstandings.


they said the Civil war was not about keeping the slaves, and they said the south broke of because they wanted there own laws and rules when the truth was they saw slaves as a HUGE part of economy, so they wanted to break off to keep them.


another on of these myths is that the slavers were “WORKERS” when the reality was that they where captured enslaved and forced to work without pay.


sometimes when the schools districts teach about slavery there is a misunderstanding that slavery only existed in the south, and the teachers don’t correct that; in certain districts. when truth is that slavery existed everywhere but some colonies stopped before than others.


the last  “myth” is that UNTIL like last years some textbooks in Texas said that SLAVERY WAN”T THAT BAD!!!! they stated that they weren’t terribly unhappy when the solid truth was that they where KIDNAPPED and forced to work.


I hope you have enjoyed learning about the myths an realities of the common misunderstandings.


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