Archive of ‘7th grade’ category

Technology Post #7


During this time being stuck at home I have been very bored and do a lot of nothing. I have been sitting around and thinking because I am sick of staying at home. Usually I will go for a walk or bike ride during the day but sometimes it rains. Also I have tried to do some baking and cooking but that is hard because I have very few ingredients for baking. I just hope that we are able to go back to a regular Schedule very soon being being stuck at home is getting very annoying.


– Avery

Technology Post #6

Hello everyone,

Since we cannot be at school currently I need to find some tools and materials inside of my house that I can use to create things at home.

I was able to find these tools:

– pencil
– eraser
– ruler
– scissors
– iPad
– screwdriver
– screw
– hammer
– nails

I was able to find these materials:

– cardboard
– paper
– toothpicks
– legos
– glue
– tape
– rubber bands
– paper clips

Those are the materials that I was able to find in my house. I am very excited to see what we will be doing with them soon.


– Avery

Technology Post #5

Hello everyone,

This week I finished reading my book for English class. I also face timed my friends since we couldn’t hang out because of coronavirus. I am a little upset because all of my activities and sports were cancelled so I had absolutely nothing to do. My whole family except for my dad is home so we all had nothing to do. It gets a little boring staying at home all day with nothing to do even though it is instead of school. I am excited to go back to school and I hope I will be able to soon!


– Avery


Technology Post #4

Hello everybody,

This week I cut our front, back, and two sides of my box. That means that I am done cutting all of the pieces. I also had to sand them because they had tons of splinters on them. I was not able to sand the top and bottom of my box but I did the rest. My box is looking pretty good but the pieces aren’t all exactly the same size so I might need to sand it a little more so the pieces all fir together nicely. In order to sand the box we used a belt sander. It is a automatic sander where you need to touch your pieces to the rough sand paper as it is moving, and it will sand the piece of wood and make it perfectly smooth. it was much easier to do than I thought and it took a very short amount of time.

This is a picture of all of the sanded pieces assembled in a box shape:

Technology Post #3

Hello everyone,

This week we started to mesure and cut the pieces of our boxes. First we got a big piece of wood and we had to measure out the size if our top and bottom to cut it out. First we learned how to use a hand saw but I never got to use it because I wasn’t ready for it. The next day we learned how to use a miter box saw. It is a saw placed directly in the middle of a bed of wood, which the wood goes on top of.

This is a miter box saw looks like:


After we cut the top and bottom of the wood, we had to figure out the dimensions of the sides. Since the top and bottom are also 1/2 an inch tall, you need to subtract 1 inch altogether. So I measured out all of the sides. My sides were all 2 inches tall instead of 3 inches because I subtracted the 1/2 inches for the top and bottom. Next I think that we will start cutting our sides. Thanks for reading my blog!


– Avery

Technology Post #2

Hello everyone,

This week in class we continued to work on some TinkerCad designs. I made a design of my name but it will not be printed because I think that I made it too big. Next we designed what our box would look like since we are going to make a box out of wood. We got to plan the size, color of the box, and the color of the felt inside the box. I like how we aren’t all making the same box and they will all be different. Next we had to figure out exactly how many pieces of wood that we would need and all of the other materials. That was kind of hard because we needed to know the measurements of all of the pieces of wood. Than we learned how to use a hand planer and we used them to cut wood. It was difficult at first but it became easier.

This is what a hand planer looks like:

Technology post #1

Hello everyone,

Yesterday in technology we worked on learning how to screw nails into wood. It was kind of hard to get the screw in because it was hard wood, and we had to punch the hole and screw it all the way in. I had trouble getting the screw deep inside the wood. I found that taking the screw out of the wood was much easier then putting it in. These are the tools and materials that we used for this activity:

We also used a tool called a vice which helped us to hold on to the piece of wood, while we screwed in the nail. I found that very helpful because before the wood was spinning around while I tried to put the nail in, but the vice helped keep it in place. The screwdriver was helpful to screw in the nail but I could not figure out how to always make it work. I felt that it was easier to screw in the bigger screws because when I tried to use the smaller one it would always fall or not screw in all of the way.  I also found it easier to use a bigger piece of wood, because the bigger ones were softer than the smaller pieces of wood.

I had fun learning to screw nails into wood and I am excited to see what we will do next.


– Avery