Capstone #6 – Working on my Final Project

On Monday 6/5 we started to work on our final project. I decided to do a TED talk because if I chose an Ignite I would only have three minutes to state all of my information. Also, if I did a movie then I wouldn’t get to speak in front of a lot of people, and I love to speak in front of of multiple people. The first step I did when I started to work on my final project was decide the theme of my slide show. I wanted the theme to be simple but not too simple. I decided on going with the “hamilton background” and turquoise text. I was working at a pretty slow pace because I thought that I had all the time in the world to get my slide show and script done, but I only later I realized that we only had one week to work on our project! I was freaked out, even though I didn’t need to be. I had all of the information that I needed, all I needed  to do was put it into my own words. Then, I started working so fast, that my script ended up not being my best work. Which meant that I would need to take more time that I didn’t have, revising the script! The next day I started to focus more and calm done. I was started to get my work done at a better pace.

The hardest part of writing my script was answering my main question. What I mean by that is that I was confused if I was supposed mention my sub questions, or not? Mrs. Edwards told me that mentioning my sub questions was optional. I ended up mentioning my sub questions by having a slide for each sub question (I skipped one sub question because the answer was boring) and on that slide I said the answer to each question. I think the hardest part of making a slide show was finding pictures that matched with my script. After I had finished my script, it was time to focus more on my slide show. In the end, I loved how my project turned out and I learned a good lesson about managing my time better.

Link to my project:

Ted talk presentation 



One thought on “Capstone #6 – Working on my Final Project

  1. Abby, this is amazing! I really love how you explain everything. I can’t wait to see you present!

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