Catapults project!

In class we learned about catapultes. We learned that they can launch really far if they are built right. We also learned that you can make catapultes out of almost anything. For our project we made a catapult of our own out of popsicle sticks, rubber bands, glue, bottle cap, and a small ball. We had to stack popsicle sticks together and then put popsicle sticks on the top and bottom. On the top popsicle stick we glued on a cap and put a ball in it. I used a ping pong ball. After that I used rubber bands to tie the two ends together. I made a game out of this project. For my game I out a laundry basket at the end of my hallway and tried to launch the ball into it. After that we had to measure the load arm and effort arm then figure out the mechanical advantage. This project was really fun for me.