Catapults project!

In class we learned about catapultes. We learned that they can launch really far if they are built right. We also learned that you can make catapultes out of almost anything. For our project we made a catapult of our own out of popsicle sticks, rubber bands, glue, bottle cap, and a small ball. We had to stack popsicle sticks together and then put popsicle sticks on the top and bottom. On the top popsicle stick we glued on a cap and put a ball in it. I used a ping pong ball. After that I used rubber bands to tie the two ends together. I made a game out of this project. For my game I out a laundry basket at the end of my hallway and tried to launch the ball into it. After that we had to measure the load arm and effort arm then figure out the mechanical advantage. This project was really fun for me.

Parallel circuits

In class we learned about a parallel  circuits then for our project were made a more complicated breadboard. For the parallel circuit we had to strip 8 wires which was really hard. We also had to use four LED lights instead of one. For the project we had to make sure that everything was in the right column or the project would work. On my first try my LED lights wouldn’t work then later I realized my resistor was in the wrong row and then I fixed it and it worked that’s why for this project it was important to get everything right.

Simple machines

This week in technology I learned about simple machines. A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction of magnitude of a force. Usually  The term refers to the six classic simple machines. These simple machines include the  inclined plane, wedge, wheel and axe, pulley, and screw. Simple machines are useful because they reduce effort or extend the ability of people to perform tasks beyond their normal capabilities. Simple machines are used in daily life all the time even if you don’t know it. Blinds, flag poles, garage doors, hammers, sea saws, scissors, knifes, axes, bikes, office chairs, wheel chair ramps, slides light bulbs, and bottle caps are all simple machines.

Breadboard project

This week I made a LED light, light up. For the steps in the project first I put the wire connected on the battery, then I put the LED light in breadboard. I learned that the longer leg  is positive and the shorter leg is negative. For this project I had to strip two wires and put one of the stripped wires on the positive side. I learned that red wires usually mean positive and black wires usually mean negative. After that I put a 305 ohom resister in  and then my LED light lit up.

Electroscope project

In class we learned about eltroscopes. We learned that the electrons from the ballon transfer to the tinfoil and makes it move. So for our project we needed a paper clip, ballon, cardboard circle, tinfoil, tape, and a clear cup. We put the cardboard over the cup and make hole in it to put the straightened paper clip in. On the paper clip we had two tiny pieces of tinfoil. After that I rubbed a blown up ballon onto a sweater and put it close to the top of the paper clip. After I did that the two pieces of tinfoil moved away from each other. They did this because of the electrons.


For our first project we did the I-beams, we had to take pieces of cardboard and glue them together to make a sturdy beam. When I was making my beam it was very hard for the glue to stick, so it wasn’t saw strong as it could’ve been. When I was testing my beam it held 10 cans. I think that if the glues had stuck on better then I would’ve been able to hold more cans. If I did this project again I would leave the glue on better and make sure the cardboard was more even.

Truss experiment

In class we learned how 3D cubes worked whew also had to build one I made one out of toothpicks and marshmallows. To keep it more sturdy I added trusses the trusses hold it up so that it wont collapse. After that I started to add books on it to see how strong it was. After I book three books on it the cube collapsed. I think if I had used more stable objectS the cube wouldn’t of collapsed so easily.