Immigration Project #1

So for the next few weeks my class had to interview an immigrant. You could interview anyone that lived in another country that now lives here right now. You also had to make questions for that person. I chose my mom. I think it was a easy choice because first she could help me with the questions and make sure she could answer them. Also because I can interview her anytime I want.

Again it was easy to pick who I was going to interview but making the questions were pretty hard. I think it was hard because you had to have 10 – 15 questions. But my teacher (Mrs. Cooper) gave us a paper to get ideas off of. Unfortunately I did the questions before she gave us the paper so I spent like 30 – 40 minutes trying to make questions when the next day I revised them all. I think that’s why it was really had for me. But when I revised my questions it was much easier. I think that interviewing my mom really brought me closer to her because I’m learning about all these things she did and or had to do that I had no idea about.


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