Flashlight Soldering Wires #10

The final part I had to do unit I would be done was soldering it took about a week until it was my turn and once it was the quarter would be over in three day which means the flashlight would be due. I was worried that I would not be able to solder in time unit it was my turn. When I soldered I was hard at first. Even though I soldered before. It took me almost the entire period but it was finally done. My whole flashlight was done except if the light did not work I would have to restart. It was the moment of truth and when I turned it on … IT WORKED! I was so happy. All in all I think this flashlight project of awesome and I had a lot of fun.

Flashlight Coloring #9

For my flashlight I did everything except solder my wires. So I put my name on the list for soldering. In the mean time as I was waiting in the line for soldering I decided that I was going to color and personalize my flashlight. At first I was making it a dark blue and light blue design and it was looking pretty good until I lost it. I had to get new pipes and everything. After I got back to where I was before I lost my pipes I decided to change my entire design. What I ended up doing is I made everything read except the bottom of it and the top this is what it ended up looking like…

Anyway I think this was my favorite part even though I lost my first one I think this one looks better.

Flashlight Wire Cutting #8

For the flashlight after we made the design we had to cut our wires. The way to cut your wires and make sure it is the right size is that when you make your design you draw the wires so you put the wires that you are cutting and a line it with your design and then you measure the wire that you cut but you have to add a extra inch to the wire. It was pretty hard for me because it was hard to a line it and make sure it is prefect and it took me about 3 – 4 days which is a long time. All in all I think that it was hard but it was still fun

Flashlight Designing #7

In class we are making flashlights for the kids stuck in the cave in Thailand. The point was to design a flashlight so that the kids would have a light there can be no holes because it has to be water proof. First you need to make a design was hard to make because the lines had to be straight and it had to be neat. And the hardest part for a lot of people including me was next to your drawing you need to label the real size of the actually pipe. You needed to measure the pipe a write down the size in inches. That was hard because I’m not very good at measuring. All in all I think it was hard but fun at the same time.

The Plastic Problem Movie #6

In class we watched a movie about the plastic problem and how it is killing animals and it is very bad for the environment. The movie focused on what people are doing to solve the problem about plastic and what you can do. What I found so interesting about plastic that I did not know about was that plastic that you could be using right now could last for thousands of years. And also people are so focused on the straws that they are oblivious about everything else that has the same effect on the animals. After the movie I thought what could I do but when I thought about it almost everything is packed in plastic so it is really hard to stop using plastic. All in all I think that it was very inspiring.

Thailand Cave Problem Movie #5

In tech class we watched a movie about a group of kids in Thailand were playing soccer and them and there coach went into a cave in Monsoon season and they got stuck in the cave. When their parents realized that they did not come home they started to call around and when they realized that none of the kids came home they called the cops and went out looking for them. They found outside of a cave bike and soccer cleats. Once they saw that they knew this is where the kids where. But there was a bigger problem ahead the cave was flooded. They called for help to get the kids out to anyone country who would listen they asked for special cave divers. Luckily the country’s listen and helped. It took a long time for one of the cave divers to find them. Once they found the kids they could have kept them in the cave until Monsoon season was over or you could cave dive them out which is very hard. So hard that a professional died trying to find the kids. What they did was swim the kids out and it worked. None of the kids died and neither did there coach. I found this movie so interesting and I was relieved when I found out none of the kids died. Overall I thought that the movie was very good.