Plant Observations #1

My class split on into groups but you only go with people the want to do the same experiment as you. The experiment that my group did for our plant was that instead of putting normal water my group is putting sugar water. My hypothesis is that the plant will have more leaves than with plain water. We thought that because plants reproduce on sugar so why not give if more sugar. Will the plant make a difference?


I found out that it does make a difference if you give a plant sugar water vs if you give the plant regular water. It actually made a big difference. The difference was that the control grew so much leaves, I thought that the control was going to be better than the manipulated but the next day I saw the manipulated had some growth too. It was 1/4 of an inch and it was growing in a straight line but it did not grow enough to beat the control. Today I saw a sprout on the manipulated one and it was purple, why is that?

This is the Control (it grow so much more, this photo was taken on May 8, 2017.)

This is the Manipulated (sorry there is no purple sprout and it’s because this this photo was taken on May 8, 2017, sorry.)

Fidget Spinners

Moms and Dads you might be thinking “what are those spinners and how are they cool?” If you read this, you will understand that those things are called fidget spinners. Fidget spinners are so cool and fun because it just feels good to use one. If you have a fidget spinner  people will think you’re cool. People will ask to use your spinning and you start being nicer as a person. Let me explain, your kids will start to let ether use it and they can make friends. And I think you want your kid to make friends right? So buy your kids Fidget Spinners now. (Mom and Dad get me a spinner!)

Maglev Day-3

On day 3 we forgot that the marbles did not work, so we tried to do it again but  it made friction, so we stopped working on that idea. We tried to add more magnets and surprisingly it worked. It went higher and higher and higher and then we got to 35 marbles! And at the end we helped a group that was not done. And that’s all we did on day 3.

Maglev Reflection-Day 2

On day 2 my group’s train levitated! It was the greatest thing ever! We put marbles in a cup on the train to see how many it could hold. At first it could hold 8 marbles while still levitating. To improve it we put magnets in the holes of the track and then the train could hold 21 marbles. But just because we got 21 marbles did not mean we did not try to improve the train.  We put marbles on the track because we thought it would make it go higher. But  we noticed that it made friction. So we were about to take it  out but we had to clean up. And that’s all we did on day-2.

Maglev Reflection – Day 1

When my class was learning all about maglev trains, my group was hard to cooperate with because one everyone wanted to do there own idea because they thought that there idea was the beast. But then we go the hang of it and we started to work as a group and not like someone was doing all by them self. A nether hard part was when put the strip magnets on the foam board and when we put the strip magnets in the box when we wanted it to levitate the box was to small so we were about to cut the foam board to be smaller but we were out of time. Next time we work on the maglev trains I think my group would want to finish cutting the foam and see if it works and we’ll see it it works.

My Expert Book Reflection

My teacher Mrs. Mangan told my class to write an expert book . I thought I would do mine on hockey, but I did mine on the Brazil soccer team because I did the starting of unit one on hockey so I wanted to switch it up. And it’s easer said than done. There were lot’s of hard part’s of writing an expert book. For example chapters were hard and the hardest chapter were:

  • All The World Cups Won [For Brazil.]
  • Into
  • Top 5 Players Chapter

So if you won’t to learn about the Brazil soccer team read my book!

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