Tag Archives: Soldering

Flashlight Soldering Wires #10

The final part I had to do unit I would be done was soldering it took about a week until it was my turn and once it was the quarter would be over in three day which means the flashlight would be due. I was worried that I would not be able to solder in time unit it was my turn. When I soldered I was hard at first. Even though I soldered before. It took me almost the entire period but it was finally done. My whole flashlight was done except if the light did not work I would have to restart. It was the moment of truth and when I turned it on … IT WORKED! I was so happy. All in all I think this flashlight project of awesome and I had a lot of fun.

Soldering #2

For Tech class my class had to make designs so that we can solder our favorite. Soldering is when you get a really hot thing of metal and than you melt another wire so it is like glue for metal. The catch was that we could only use 5 wires to make your design. For me this did not really make to big of a difference because I would not have made something to crazy when it is my first time soldering. All in all I had a lot of fun soldering!

This is what I made: