Blog#4 Anne Frank Diary of A Young Girl

Through this last section of the reading and the book and in her hiding she has shown pure optimism throughout the book, and if she didn’t have this important characteristic I wonder if she would have made it this far, in this book the readers see how important emotion is when going through troublesome times. Especially at the end of the book.

My topic for the last second of  my reading is characterization because I feel like her traits and how she acts are so viatel to how she survived. In this book Anne frank is a protagonist because she offers no harm to others and if anything in the middle part of the book I think she wants to help as many people as she can even though in this time it is very hard too. In this book she adds a positive side to the issue because in this book she represents triumph and determination to make sure that tomorrow will turn out better. She is also in this book because when the readers read this last section of the book they will start to believe to that the Jews will make it out ok, just by the way Anne Frank talks and acts. For example at the end of every day she always says something that has to relate to positivity . A quote that Anne Frank says that I think that proves how powerfuls she is, is when she says, “Those who have faith and courage shall never perish in misery.” I think this quote means if we believe that things will get better and we have faith in eachother then we will get through this together and if we stand strong together and don’t give up then one day our lives will be better as long as we remain strong while in our troubles.

In think book we see how Anne Frank has grown as a person and a believer, her diary started started during the school days and ended in the bunker but her story and her characteristics that got her through the hard times will be a part of history forever, and inspire readers like us that if we stand together we will grow together, and surprising enough that is our motto at SMS and that is “We will grow together.”

Blog#3 Anne Frank Diary of A Young Girl

In this book what happens to Anne and her family is truly awful and should never happen again, but she also is extremely lucky because she found a place to hide which is safe and keeps her family together, the sad part is some other Jewish people didn’t have it that way some people were separated from their family (including parents) and sent to camps. From our reading of night we already know how awful that is going to be for those unlucky families.

In these times when she is in hiding hoping that each day will get better the Theme topic of positivity comes into play. For example one quote said by Anne Frank is ““I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.” This quote means in the bad times people should think about the good times, because those little moments will be the concepts of life that will get us through the bad times and remind us that tomorrow will be better as long as we believe it will. However In Anne Frank’s time hiding she also remains positive in the hard times, besides when she is in the annex and when conflicts occur with her mother she still finds a way to find the bright side of the day which in times like this could mean so much to a person’s self esteem.

Also in times like this it is usual for the main characters to be puzzled or suprised by things and if the character is  surprised then the reader tends to be surprised too. For example when Anne Frank has feelings for Peter and wants to spend more time with him, and her father forbids her, I got surprised because you would think in times like this her father would let her have some fun and comfort from a friend in this time, but yet her father does not see it this way. Another thing that surprised me was that Peter was also a good friend and I think at certain times Anne really needed him, for example on page 159 she says, “My longing for someone to talk to has  become so unbearable that I somehow took it into my head to select Peter for this role.” I understand this quote because as human beings we are made so we can express feelings and in the circumstances that Anne is in right now that is kinda hard.  So when life gets tough remember the good parts about life and remember that tomorrow will be better.

Blog#2 Anne Frank diary of a young girl


On different occasions there have been many cases of Anne Frank being made fun of whether they are calling the teacher is calling her that or another classmate, this made me think about the whole bystanding, upstanding, and victims unit we recently did.


I used the topic connections because I felt that Anne Frank experiences issues in school and in her country that relates to that topic. For example when the in the classroom I personally feel like she is the victims because she is constantly being the one who is put down, and the one who seems to be different than everyone else. This piece of literature made me think about life to because What was the name of Wilson’s peace plan? What was the name of Wilson’s peace plan? everyday some where kids are bullied about what they look like or what they like, and there is also people upstanding and bystanding everyday, which made me think back to the night readings about how in the camp Elie is a bystander because he has a chance to act, but remains still. I also made a connection to what she is experiencing to what we are going through. FOr example she is hiding in her home dealing with concealment from her friends, and what we are experiencing now in quarantine also connects to that situation. In this book and in real life situations it is our choice which role you wanna take, but I think Anne Frank should not have to deal with these schools issues and for the issue that would arrive very soon.


The other topic I did was philosophy because I feel like questions could rise with why this is happening to the jews were they have to stay in their home until danger passses. Because I am Jewish and I know we believe in god, but some people might be wondering where is he/she/it and why is he/she/it letting this happen to us. Questions about humanity might rise to because we are the only living things on earth that have killed eachother out of vain, everything was balanced in the world until humans came. Also another way Anne Frank might think about humanity is when she wonders why are we going into hiding based of our religion and why hasn’t god protected us. In life things might go the way we won’t whether it is at school or at home, but as long as we believe tomorrow will be better we will make it out alright.

Aaron Kahn- Anne Frank “Diary of A Young Girl”

From my readings in the beginning of the book I see problems rising even from the first few pages, as she states many times she doesn’t have many friends, and has a very fixated opinion of charistics of her classmates, but in her free time she writes stories about her daily life, and her feelings into her diary which from how she describes it, it is very close to her.  Another thing that I think is sad is she gave her imaginary friend/book a name, which makes me feel bad because she doesn’t have a real friends name to write too. There are many sad things and events that have happened to this innocent girl, this is including Nazis, Isolation, birthdays never celebrated, lonely at school, and Jew restriction on daily life activities and lifestyles.

The prompt I chose was Feelings, I wanted to write about this one because in the beginning of the book I get a lot of sad/depressing feelings from this young girl who is surviving the war by her will to write her life into this precious book. An example of a current sad/dangerous state she  is on page 12 she says, “we jews are no longer allowed to make use of this luxury, our own two feet are good enough for us.” This means the way she sees jews value has gone down so low it is less valuable than her own two feet. To think about yourself like this from the event that take place around her really makes life sad for her, and a depression emotion comes to the reader.

In this small quote I feel in my heart how happy/lucky I should be to live in this world were currently war, mass killings, torture to jews, is no longer a thing and to read this book and think back to all the people who had to experience it it really makes me think to even how on top of all those problems her birthday can’t even be celebrated because her grandma is sick. This now makes me think about how she wrote her life stories about a very sad and tuff issue, and we are going through a hard experience now with the corona issue, and it makes me think maybe I should start a journal writing in my daily life, and what I am doing during this tough time. In this section of the reading I have learned information can be changed the way people interpret/understand it so why not record it down so we can keep the details close to the truth so generation after us can learn issues from documents recorded at the time like the Jewish journals or stories about corona. We must keep info straightforward so the possibility of not understanding becomes a very low chance, “history is only there if we preserve it.”








I have watched Nellie my entire life.  She’s been around longer than I have.

You might ask who is Nellie… Nellie is my dog.  She’s a black lab, with smooth soft fur. I love her so much because when I’m down and I need a little happiness I know where to find her. She’s also very considerate when people come to the door she will always be there to see who rang the doorbell.  I can also remember when I look at videos that when I fall Nellie is there to catch me. But even when she’s not with me any more she will always be in my heart even when I’m old.



I think Its really cool the Nasa is releasing people from the space station into space because just that scientists figured how to send people up I can’t wait until the future because I bet all there tools an stuff will get better so there will be a less chance of danger happening. I am wondering if kids will be able to go to space some day.

Don’t you think I will be nice to live on the moon?

super bowl gone crazy.

Wow, its just amazing how the Patriots could come back from 28 to 9 and the still won. Even though they where down so much and they came back shows that they had faith in them ,their team, and their coaches. Right now i’m thinking on the last play if the referees right to call the touchdown for the Patriots because me and my friends think that he was down before he crossed the end zone. Do you think that Tom Brady Deflated the ball AGAIN!!!

Imagine wolf-sized prehistoric otters opening mollusks with their hands

This story is about how prehistoric otters lived and grew over time and how they used their body parts through life.  For example, they used their teeth to open shells, not rocks like modern day otters do.


I choose this article because at first I thought I knew everything out prehistoric otters, but when I read this article I found out I was wrong. When I read this I learned how they survived in the wild and in water. I also found out that there were otters thousands of years ago during prehistoric times. The prehistoric otter’s teeth was the shape of a badgers. It also says that the scientific name of the otter is Siamogale melilutra which means otter-badger.


In the Newsela article I noticed that the prehistoric otter used his teeth to open shells, but otters today use rocks to open their food. This is interesting because the prehistoric otter did things a different way. I have realized that the tooth wasn’t just for that, it was also for defense. I hope scientists find out more about the prehistoric otter and how it is different from other otters. There is still so much information that is yet to be discovered, because if you think about it, wouldn’t you want to know what happened to a creature unlike all the others?