Science post

A couple days ago was our first launch. I had so many feelings inside of me the whole time. I was feeling nervous, excited, scared and so many more feelings. There was an order and my group was third. We went out at 9:00 am and than we started to prepare. first we set up the launchpad Than the second step was to take the trundle wheels and go out 50 meters and placed an clinometers and a data chart. The first group got ready and than soon it was our turn. the groups started by putting 220 ml of water in to our rockets. Than it was our turn and before we got ready to pump we made sure our helping team J.E.X.L was ready and set. One they were we went over to our pump an started. The pump was so much harder than anyone thought it was going to be. After the 90 psi was pumped we headed around to pull. The launch master yelled “clinometers ready”  soon we did the count down. On five i picked up the rope with thrill in my hands we made it down to 1. I pulled back with all my might and the rocket shot up. soon the rocket turned and came back down with a crash. The people collecting data wrote it down and it felt amazing. Than after only a couple more groups the launch was over. We went inside and were going to analyze data after lunch. Blasting Rockets came in last place with an average of 20 meters. J.e.x.l came in first place with an average of 57.5 meters this was a 37.5 meter difference. My group got a 34 meter average and came in second worst and a 23.5 meter difference from J.e.x.l. Overall the launch went pretty well and I am excited for the second launch



In our classroom we are reading HOME of the BRAVE. We have conversations and talk about our ideas.

In the book Kek findsa job and meets Gol. Gol is a cow, but Katherine Applegate (author of Home of The Brave) also uses her as a symbol. How does Gol represent Kek’s past, present, and possibly his future?  

Gol represents Kek’s past. Gol means all lot to Kek. Gol reminds him of his old life where he was a cow hurder. Gol also reminds him of his family that is dead. Kek misses his old home. In america he feels emtey and sad. He just want everything he loved but loss back. Gol makes him feel good, she also makes him feel more at home. Kek feels like gol is his family.

Kek takes Gol to the zoo so she can start her new life and have a good life. Kek all so still belives that his mother is still alive. Soon after a long time of hoping and waiting,  she steps off the plane and kek feels a new breth of fresh air.

from Goodreads

Rocketry rocks

This year in science we have been working on rocketry. We have done so many things that are so important. We have made inspiration boards, researched Isaac Newton, came up with designs and so much more.

My group and I have come up with so many fantastic things that we can add to our rocket to make it outstanding. We have so much inspiration from previous years rockets to other groups to big companies like NASA and SPACE-X and such a long list I can’t even write.for our rockets, We have been getting measurements and choosing colors for the past days.

We have started making prototypes and choosing our materials to.

For our Isaac Newton infographics we have been doing so many things. We have been designing our infographics and started typing them on the computers. I was so surprised at how challenging it was. The thing that made it so challenging for me was finding the shapes for our designs. I made an apple tree so I had to figure out all the shapes and had to choose the shapes that looked the most realistic.

For the rockets that we are going to launch me and my group ran into a few problems. One of the problems was one of our group mates was not here so instead of eight hands we had six. This made us really value our time. Another problem was we made our fins and cut them out of cardboard and then we covered all of them in duct tape. We then realized that we couldn’t have the fin covered with duct tape because hot glue and the tape doesn’t go well together.

I learned that every little decision makes a big difference. So far the rocket is going well and I have learned so much about so many different things that all end up relating.