Rube Goldberg#1

These past weeks we have been working on rube Goldberg simple machine projects. If you don’t know what a rube Goldberg is, it is a simple machine that does something simple. But instead off it taking one step like it would if we used a body part it takes many more steps. The hardest thing is that you can only use a body part at the first step the rest it hast to do on it’s own.  The first step to do was  pick partners, my friend Rebekah and Mia and I  decided to become a group. We second step was to decided on what days we were going to meet. We finally after going over everyones activities decided we were going to work on it on Saturday and if we needed more time we would work on Friday. Than we figured out whose house we were going to do it at, When we were deciding we had to make sure (A)it would be in a place that a had room,( b)would be safe,(C)  had some old good toys we could use. We then chose Mia’s and started coming up with ideas. One was to make instant Mac and Cheese, we really liked this idea at first and then started thinking more about the steps and that we could only use our hands once, we decided to keep that in the back of our heads though. Another Idea  was to pour cheese and sauce on pasta. but again like the mac and cheese we thought it would be too hard and probably quite messy. Another was toothpaste on a toothbrush this was a good idea but we really did not want to do it because Mia’s sister used that for hers. Lastly was to put a stamp on paper we thought this was a great idea and so this was one off the very top ones on our list. This was the first step of our project.

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