Spanish Restaurant-Field

Yesterday my grade and I went on a field trip to a Peruvian Restaurant called Pollo A La Brasa to sum up our Spanish learning that we have been doing for the past years. To prepare for this trip, in spanish class  we were learning what the dishes we were going to be getting what they were called and how to order them. The dishes were served family style and there were four different dishes plus arroz(rice) and a tea(I did’t like very much). The first dish was lomo saltado( steak and fries and vegetables) , personally I did’t like it because I do not eat red meat but if you did it looked and smelled very good and I know a ton of my friends said it was their favorite. The next dish was pollo saltado, this one was my favorite because I love chicken. This one was the only one I ate but it was so good that I did’t mind. The next dish was a fish dish I do not eat fish and people at my table did not seem to like it as much as the others. The last dish was a meat dish with noodles it seemed good but I did not try it. Overall this trip was a great experience and I am so happy that we got to sum up our learning by this trip

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