Blog post #6

This week in class we learned bout atoms. I thought it was pretty interesting that atoms are so small that with the worlds strongest microscope you still wouldn’t be able to see them. I thought to myself “how do we know that atom are real if we have never seen one before?” This week we also learned about the universe it is SO huge, but at the same time in is very small. We talked about both point of view’s. I am almost done with Cam A, and I am going to record in tomorrow.

Blog post #4

This week we made our Catapults. Mine was a little unstable but I am excited to see how it turns out. The weeks class in person was fun we did a Nearpod and practice cutting out thick paper with our safety cutters, and we listened to music while we did that. This week my goal is to finish my lever, do 1 more blog post and finish up the Nearpods.

Blog post #1

This week we got our tech bags. Inside the tech bags the materials inside include, a ruler, tape, LED lights, a wire cuter, scissors, glue, popsicles sticks, toothpicks, balloons,  ect. I am really excited about our tech bags because we are going to build and experiment with these materials. We also did a couple Nearpods and learned a little bit about I-beams. I am excited to build mine!

Plant post #2

After two weeks the data for our controlled  plants was cell one had 4 leaves 3 buds and 10 cm tall, the second cell had 10 leaves and 5 buds, the third cell had 9 leaves 10 buds and was 11 cm tall, our fourth cell had 4 leaves 10 buds and was 8 cm tall. In each cell the plants were yellow and green.

In our manipulated cell one was dead, cell 2 was dead and call 4 was dead. But cell 3 had 18 leaves and it was l3 cm tall. Most of our cells were dead because the was less soil.

I think our plants died because there was less soil and the plants did not have all the minerals it needs to grow.

maglev post #1

A maglev train is not any old kind of train it is a train that doesn’t have wheels but has magnets that repel from the track to the bottom of the train. My groups idea was to have half disc magnets and half strip magnets but we didn’t succeed.


What succeeded was when we did stirp magnets and disc magnets on the bottom of the train. What failed was that we couldn’t make the train move across the track with a slight push.


What was challenging was to figure out how the magnets can repel. What worked well was when we got the train to levitate.  

This is my groups first idea for our maglev train.

My Expert Book – Bar Mitzvahs

I am now an expert book writer!  I wrote about Bar Mizvahs. It took me two whole months to finish in all my lessons. I have learned how to use expert words,  pros and cons, similarities and differences and so much more. I have also learned to put in facts but not too many. I chose this topic because when my brother turned 13 I started getting interested in it. Week by week I wrote edited and revised. My favorite part about writing an expert book was learning that I can write well. It was hard but worth it to make an expert book amazing.