Rube Goldberg – The Continuation Of The Building Progress

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to talk about my Rube Goldberg Machine Progress. The construction, and how it is working overall.

The string that was attached to the hamster wheel is where we are going to be continuing from. That string is going to pull a block away from a marble run. The purpose of the block is to stop the marble from just rolling down the marble and going on elsewhere.

On 2/14, we found out that the table we built the contraption was slanted. It was a good thing, and a bad thing. The good thing is that it made it easier for the contraption to work. The bad part of it was that first built it on the higher side which resulted in us having to rebuild it. This relived us because it cut some of the struggles that were involved.

Even after every minor adjustment, we had to test it again and again. This was so we could make sure that it all worked out. To see if we could transform it better. We had to evaluate a few bits and pieces, switch some blocks around, and make sure the overall result worked.

That Marble will hit dominoes. There will be 14 dominoes in a straight line. We needed to add 14 approx. because there was extra space on the table that we wanted to use. We didn’t want to leave it bear.

I feel this part was a tad bit easier, but still not ” EASY.” As I’m doing more, I’m getting more used to it. So I am liking the process of it a lot more.

That’s it for this post folks!




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