
Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about atoms.

Atoms are far smaller than microscopic. They make up everything on earth, which means that their about the smallest thing on earth.They are a combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Atoms are not circles necessarily. They’re many different types of shapes. There are 118 different types of metals that make up atoms.

Their is a central point called the nucleus. In comparison, the atom would have to be the size of a professional football field for the nucleus to be the size of a marble. So the average size of the atom is not seeable, so forget about the nucleus. In addition, atoms have shells with different amounts of electrons on each shell. A full size male has about 7 x 10 to the 27th power or 7000000000000000000000000000 approximately.

That’s it for this post folks!

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