Timber Harvest

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about the timber harvest.

Wood is natural resources that accompanies many projects to date, mainly in construction. The process of harvesting the resource is harder then that. The use sky cranes and think cables to cut and transport the wood.

The wood is then taken through a processing plant where its debarked and dried out with a special chemical. It is also tested for quality control. The wood is then taken to the next step of the process.

The wood is then cut to the sizes of pieces of lumber for that particular log. The wooden plan is are taken to packaging and shipping where they shipped off the the third party sellers that resell the wood for a premium.

That’s it for this post folks!

Tech 7 (Ms. Giroux)

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about Technology 7 course.

Ms. Giroux, our tech teacher has a lot of fun things planned for the semester. I’m excited for all of it. One of the projects I’m looking forward to is the wooden box project. I like to construct small mini figures, so this sounds right of my alley. Ive made a few other small projects, creating a table attachment to my wagon, and making a a section of a library.

Last year in tech we constructed flashlights, used 842º soldering irons, and used drill presses. We also used a bunch of other basic tech equipment. I am excited to see what else Mrs. Giroux has to offer.

That’s it for this post folks!

Computer Tech (Final)

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we come to the end of Computer technology.

I never had a real interest in coding, but the class was relative to the topic. The skills Mr. Rose taught were good, but not something I see I will ever relate to again in life. The class to me had little value, as I enjoyed participating with Mr. Rose, but not actually enjoying the subject. I found the class boring, being very honest.

The activities that we did made sense, but weren’t at all enjoyable. Because the class had little value to me, I didn’t really learn anything, and just felt like I was wasting time. I like more hands on projects, things away from the screen, especially not a class learning about the screen, as every day we live on the screen due to the virus.

I liked Mr. Rose, he was funny, and made class enjoyable, even if the subject to me was useless. I see a job as like a doctor, lawyer, architect, entrepreneurship, and other skill level things, not just opening your computer and coding.

Thats it for this post folks!



Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about the Spreadsheet lesson.

After learning to code with the other softwares, we got into spreadsheets. The platform looked something like the other coding platforms, I found harder to use. We used it to replicate the PE wellness logs which have a similar format. We also did a comparison of the elementary schools, including the ratio of boys to girls, which taking advantage if the spreadsheets abilities and functions, the math equations.

That’s it for this post folks!

LTC: 2

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking more about Learn to Code.

After functions, which was hard, we moved onto these new sets of code, like for loops, which consisted of pairing commands in command, it was really confusing, and quite difficult. It gave a challenge where I was unsuccessful, it was hard.

We then moved onto a new set of commands, i forget the name, but it consisted of using the function with the for loops, it didn’t understand it. basically, after the first lesson, “commands,” It got harder for me. I hope we stop with the swift playgrounds and move back onto scratch or something like that.

That’s it for this post folks!

Code Stars

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles. Today we will talking about my view of the Code Stars Video.

I like how they got all the billionaires from all the different companies to say their view on coding, it gives the video some more life to it. It feels like a inspirational video, to get people to code, but I would never waste my life on coding. It seems to stressful, I’d rather be bossed around at a dollar store instead of sitting down in a chair for years at a time.

It was fun to see all the CEO’s, they gave their view on their life in coding, and how they think about it.

Coding will never be for me, as it is just to stressful. I liked watching the video, I thought it was enjoyable.

That’s it for this post folks!

Music Video

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles, today we will be talking about my music video for Computer Tech.

For the music video, I  used 2 different backdrops. One was a stage, and one was like glitter screen, I used the glitter screen as a intro screen. I used code to move my beetle around the stage, he did little dances and things.

For each of the backdrops I paired a sound effect with it. For the first one I did more of a happy life sound, and for the second one I did a suspense sound to add some contrast.

Thats it for this post folks!

Scratch – About Me.

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to be talking about my About me Project for CT.

I tried to include three of my favorite things, technology, my dog, and swimming. I also added a sound affect of water for the swimming portion of it. In addition, I worked in the costume section for my sprite which allowed me too customize it, I changed the face of the cat to red.I am still learning how to use scratch as it does not come naturally to me at all.

I am excited for the future projects like the code stars and what ever else Mr. Rose has planned for us.

Here is the screenshot and then link Mr. Rose wanted us to provide:

Scratch Project Link

Thats it for this post folks!


The Last Day…

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about my last day in Technology with John Calvert.

He was the best and the nicest teacher. He taught us a lot and made us work hard to achieve our goals.

Some of my favorite projects were the soldering piece, and the switches. I liked going out of my comfort zone to use the jigsaw, drill press, and 842º soldering iron.

This will be the end of the tech series, I hope you enjoyed.

That’s it for this post folks!

Flashlight Craft ( 2 )

Hello and welcome back to Andrew’s Articles! Today we will be talking about the sketching and planning of my flashlight.

We first practiced drawing and measuring on a blue print, we then moved on to our final draft.

My final draft was so complicated because we had to include where the switch, battery pack and wires would all meet and connect. We then had to cut the wires to the length on our sketches. I have yet to solder my circuit, but I’m in the process. I’ve stripped and hooked the wires that I will need.

I then cut the 3.5 inch pipe that I need, with a motor saw. We had a box that we put the pipe in so it wouldn’t role around while we were cutting it.

Flashlight Craft 3 is coming up next.

Thats it for this post folks!