Rube Goldberg – Final Reflection

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! today we are going to talking about my Rube Goldberg.

Over the weeks we have completed our Rube Goldberg. We have finished the video, the contraption, and this is the last blog post. I’m happy to finish it, but at the same time kind of sad its

I ended up doing 8 blog posts instead of 6. The reason why, well, I wanted explain more, but not cram it into one post, instead of spreading it out. My Rube Goldberg was mainly physics, small, way smaller then anyone else. I wanted to keep it simple. Me thinking that, simple was small. I WAS wrong.

This turned out to be the most complicated project I think I could have done! It took 93 tries before the whole thing worked perfectly. The 92nd time when it did work, I did something very lame. VERY, VERY, VERY Lame. I put the ball down the run, It fell backwards, I caught it. My hand then hit the wooden run, and activated the rest of the contraption.

The one time where it works, is where I mess up. Then the next time It did work, fortunately. I totally regret doing something as complicated as this. But, at least it worked, and at least it’s different. When it finally worked, I felt all the stress leave me at once.

I realized way to late, that maybe making a bigger contraption would have been better and cooler, but I forgive myself.

Anyways, I feel proud of my work. I would like to show the video for my contraption in this final post.

This is the end of the Rube Goldberg series.

Here is our video:

That’s it for this post folks!

Rube Goldberg – Collaboration With A Partner

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to be talking about collaboration with my partner for Rube Goldberg.

During the course of Rube Goldberg, Madeleine and I enjoyed collaborating together on the project. We both liked the idea of working in a pair.

Well, I feel working with a partner made life a heck of a lot easier. First, you don’t have to be responsible for everything with the contraption. Secondly, you can construct your project quicker because they’re four hands assembling the contraption, instead of two. Most of all, being solitary means you have to think of the whole contraption. In this case, I found it so much easier to be with a partner .

We also found that gathering materials was much easier. I did get more of the materials than her. The contraption was built at my house, so that did leave more of the responsibility on me. I knew it would be at my house, but I hoped she would take it.

I ended doing the majority of the project, the video, building it, taking documentation, uploading lots of photos and videos. That’s about all.

Overall, I think our project is good. Not the best, but I like it.

I feel like I got taken advantage of somewhat.

That’s it for this post folks!


Rube Goldberg – The Sketch Museum

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! Today we are going to talk about my Rube Goldberg Machine Progress. Mainly, the sketch museum, that took place on 2/14.  We finally finished our sketches! They took ”Forever”.

On 2/14, Our Class, 5R, decided to have a sketch museum.  Everybody in the class had to have a drafted sketch by 2/14.  During the time, I, Andrew, and all the other classmates went around viewing other kids sketch’s for there own Rube Goldberg contraptions.

After we analyzed them, we left comments. The comments were to tell the person kind feedback and things they could possibly improve.

When we visited the other persons, we had to see whether it was clear, if it contained step numbers, if you could tell the beginning from the end,and of course if the contraption made sense.

Some of the sketches were curled, so we had to tape them down. We used pencils to adjust the sketches minority, just for any last minute verification.

At the end of the sketch museum, we looked through our comments and thought about them to see if they were accurate. We put them into our science notebook and went on from there.

At the end of the day, all the sketches then got collected, and checked by our teacher. We all hoped for a good grade on them!

That’s it for this post folks!

Rube Goldberg – Beginning The Making of Our Simple Machine.

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles! today we are going to talking about my Rube Goldberg machine progress.

They beginning of our construction went smoothly.  Except for the fact that every time someone bumped into the table or hit the floor, the dominoes would fall. One of the more frustrating parts.

When we first thought of building it we were absolutely confused on how to construct it. Then after I made the marble run, things went much more smoothly.  We were able to build the first steps in a matter of seconds. We lined up the 8 dominoes.

Then I tested it. I didn’t work first try, but that’s what I planned. I knew that there would be a lot of trial and error.

After that, We attached a string to the last domino. The purpose of the string was to put momentum towards the hamster wheel, which is the next contraption. We planned on just using a hamster wheel with a stand. But unfortunately, We had to attach it to the outside of the hamster cage. So we decided that the contraption would be hamster themed.

To finish off the first part of the building, We attached the second string. Which will pull a block away from a inclined plane. ( With Marble Run Cut Out ) .

If this didn’t work, I would be very frustrated. Which I already was, I mean, with the consistent fall of the dominoes. Also, the marble traveling down the run then falling on the floor and rolling away!

I feel the first part of the contraption was very difficult. Especially since I haven’t really done any projects recently that really have anything to do with ” Rube Goldberg “, or ” Chain Reaction “.  I’m looking forward to what will happen next, but I can say the frustration level is high.

That’s it for this post folks!

Rube Goldberg- Objective Of Our Simple Machine

Hello and welcome to Andrew’s Articles!  Today we are going to discuss about our Rube Goldberg Machine progress.

Me and My partner Madeleine have been working endlessly to try to figure out how to get this machine to work.  At first we have to come up with a plan to work off of, Also known as our “Sketch”. Which unimaginably is done. Which of course involved lots of trial and error.

To start it off we will have a marble going down a marble run, which will bump into Dominoes. The final one in the line will fall off the table with a string attached. The domino will transfer momentum to hamster wheel, from the it’s force. We will also have another string attached which will pull a small wooden block away releasing the marble from a marble run. It is in the position of a inclined plane.

Furthermore, The marble with knock into 14 dominoes, The final domino will activate another marble that is waiting to go down a tube, ( Pipe ). Next, from the tube, the marble will have direct path into the cup waiting below.  That is the planned end of the contraption. We hope we will succeed. I feel confident that me and my partner Madeleine will be able to make this work.  I have put a lot of effort into this work!

That’s it for this post folks!