What I most enjoyed about the trip was that all the animals were super cute. Especially, the bunny and the hedgehog. Now, when I see some garbage on the ground as I am walking by, I won’t just walk past it, I will pick it up and put it in the trash can.
Category Archives: Writing
King George, What Was His Problem
In school we have been reading “King George, What Was His Problem.” I like it because it teaches me a lot about the American Revolution, but also adds a little humor to it as well. The book makes me think about if all of these big and little events in the American Revolution didn’t happen, then nothing would be the same. A question that I have is that why did some of the soldiers of the Continental Army leave the army in the beginning, just because they were losing the war. If they had kept fighting, then maybe the Continental Army might have won the war quicker.
Final Wonder Reflection
After finishing the book “Wonder,” one thing that I’m holding onto and going to remember is that sometimes things can happen that you’re not expecting to happen. You may think that you can’t possibly get an award, but then, you get the best award! Always believe it’s possible because it is, if you try hard enough.
Book Recomendation
Book: The CandyMakers and The Great Chocolate Chase
Series: The CandyMakers
Author: Wendy Mass
Recommended by: Alice Nicassio
Can you imagine living in a candy factory and going on a trip where you have to find a type of chocolate no one will tell you where it is? In the Great Chocolate Chase, by Wendy Mass, four kids have to do exactly that! Logan lives in a candy factory and recently helped Philip make the Harmonicandy. He is on the chocolate chase. Daisy is a spy, she helped with the Harmonicandy too, but Logan, Philip and Miles know she is a spy. She is also on the chocolate chase. Philip is in a rich family and loves winning, he is the person who originally came up with the Harmonicandy. He is also in the chocolate chase. Miles is a regular boy who loves nature and learning things and he helped with the Harmonicandy too. Miles is also on the chocolate chase. These kids go on a road trip to find a certain type of chocolate that they used for the original Harmonicandy. Will they find it? Will they be able to successfully launch Harmonicandy into stores? Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out!
Research Projects
In reading, we have been studying how to research. My group studied snakes. We came up with subtopics which were habitat, body parts, defense and prey. To make our research easier and more organized, we put our books in order from easiest to hardest. To find our subtopics, we looked in the books to see what topics appeared the most. Those were our subtopics. I learned to not completely copy what we saw in the book, and that I should write down my own ideas based on what I was reading. When we got all our information, we made a animal comic book! I put in some of the research from each subtopic. Then I found pictures, and made captions for them. The pictures all had snakes in them, so I made the snakes saying a fact that relates to the caption and the picture.
After this project, I took everything I leaned about research and used that in my country research project. I wanted to study Brazil, but I knew nothing about it so I needed a lot of research! To find research, I went to the library databases and did a google search at home. I found research that fit into the categories of the cultural universals which are Politics, Social Aspects, Economy, Beliefs and Cultural Arts. I put it all together to make it into a Comic Tour Guide Book titled The Cultural Universals of Brazil. My favorite part was learning about Brazil and putting it into a book in a fun way. The challenging part was organizing the pictures and captions into a good format.
Hello, me!
This is my first blog post I’m awesome!