Seed Pods


I learned that pollination is that when an insect takes pollen from one plant and puts onto another. When the two pollen grains mix it forms a seed. The seed grows in a pod with other seeds then the seed comes out and an animal or the wind takes to the seed somewhere it can start to grow and the process starts over again. If you were wondering how the animals gets attracted to the plant this is why, the plant grows beautiful petals and a has a good smell.


My Plant

We pollinated my plant and in the next few days the plant lost a lot of petals but then it grew seed pods. If you are wondering how the seed pods started to grow. The seed pods started to grow from the pollinating we did. We put the pollen from someone else’s plant onto ours and made the pod.


My Plant In The Next Few Days

I think next my plant will lose all the petals and it will die. Then we will have to take the seed pods off the dead plant.

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