Tundra Blog Post

Tundras are important to the world. You might think the tundra is not important but it really is. If the temperature in the tundra increases significantly it will make the water level rise and that can really affect us. So look out for the tundra!

Tundras are located in New Hampshire, Russia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Antarctica, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Europe and Asia

Some of the most important consumers in the tundra are Wolves, Polar Bears, Snowy Owls, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Hares, Seals/Sea Lions, Walruses, Fish, Penguins and Oxen/Musk Oxen. Plus many more!

Some of the most important producers in the tundra are Grass, Lichen, Algae (pronounced al – g – ee), Moss, Pearlwort, Flowers and Bushes. Plus many more!

A decomposer in the tundra is Lichen.

Some predators in the tundra is Wolves, Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears, Birds, Fish and Whales. Plus many more!

Some of the prey in the tundra is Arctic Hares, Lemmings, Caribou, Krill and Fish. Plus many more!

Tundras are unique because tundras are Cold, Snowy and because tundras have no trees.

Some interesting facts about the tundra are the Alaska pipeline in the tundra is 800 miles long and tundras cover around 20% of Earth’s surface.

This is a food web I made about tundras.

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