Category Archives: Science

Passion Project #4

After watching some videos about hydro dipping it helped me hydro dip better. When I did another phone case I was able to make a cool design and I was able to dip the case in the water in a short amount of time after spraying the paint. Overall I think that I did better on the second dip because I did research and got better at hydro dipping.

Here is my first try:

Here is my second try:

Which one do you like better?

Passion Project #2

For my passion project I am doing hydro dipping. Here are some answers to questions about my topic.

  1. What will you learn and make? I will learn how to hydro dip correctly and I will hydro phone cases with the information I learn on how to hydro dip.
  2. Why do you want to learn and make this? I want to do hydro dipping because I‘ve seen people do it before but I haven’t done it so I want to learn how to do something new.
  3. How will you learn and make this? I will watch videos about hydro dipping and learn how to do it correctly.
  4. What will success look like to you? It will looked like a perfectly dipped phone case without a mistake.


In our science groups today we mixed four different things, they were vinegar, water, oil and colored sugar. The main idea for all of the experiments were mixtures and solutions.

The first experiment that my group did was oil and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was: if we mix the colored sugar with oil then the oil will turn a little red and some of the sugar will dissolve. My hypothesis was wrong the oil turned a little red but the sugar didn’t dissolve it just stuck together. In this experiment the oil was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

The second experiment that my group did was vinegar and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was: if we mix the vinegar and the colored sugar then the colored sugar will dissolve and the vinegar will turn red. My hypothesis was correct the vinegar turned red and the sugar dissolved. In this experiment the vinegar was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

The last experiment that my group did was water and colored sugar. My hypothesis for that was the sugar would dissolve and water would turn red. My hypothesis was mostly correct the water turned red but only some of the sugar dissolved. In this experiment the water was the solvent and the colored sugar was the solute.

Isaac Newton Biography

Isaac Newton was one of the most famous scientists. He was a physicist, mathematician and astronomer.  He was born in England in 1643. His father was a farmer who died right before he was born. His mother remarried when he was 3 years old and left him with his grandparents. At 17, he went to study at Cambridge University.  The school closed for two years because of the plague and Isaac Newton went back home and developed his theories. He returned to the school when it reopened and then became a Professor of Mathematics there.

He is best known for his universal law of gravitation and the 3 laws of motion which explains how and why things move. He is also one of the inventors of calculus, a kind of math and he  invented a new kind of telescope called the reflecting telescope. He worked at the Royal Mint in London and in 1703 was named the President of the Royal Society, an organization of scientists in London.  In 1705 he was knighted by Queen Anne. He died in 1727.




Pebblego next


Tundras Blog Post

In 4th grade we did an ecosystems project. First we had to choose an ecosystem, I chose Tundras. After we chose our ecosystem we had to research all about it. We divided our notebooks in to sections the sections were location, producers, consumers, decomposers, how it’s unique, human impact and fun facts. After that we took all of the information from human impact and started to put into WeVideo, then we started to organize the info into WeVideo. When the information was organized we put the images into the video. After the images were in and everything was good other people watched it and if 3 people said it was good we could put it on YouTube.


This is my video I hope you enjoy:

Tundra Blog Post

Tundras are important to the world. You might think the tundra is not important but it really is. If the temperature in the tundra increases significantly it will make the water level rise and that can really affect us. So look out for the tundra!

Tundras are located in New Hampshire, Russia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Antarctica, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Europe and Asia

Some of the most important consumers in the tundra are Wolves, Polar Bears, Snowy Owls, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Hares, Seals/Sea Lions, Walruses, Fish, Penguins and Oxen/Musk Oxen. Plus many more!

Some of the most important producers in the tundra are Grass, Lichen, Algae (pronounced al – g – ee), Moss, Pearlwort, Flowers and Bushes. Plus many more!

A decomposer in the tundra is Lichen.

Some predators in the tundra is Wolves, Arctic Foxes, Polar Bears, Birds, Fish and Whales. Plus many more!

Some of the prey in the tundra is Arctic Hares, Lemmings, Caribou, Krill and Fish. Plus many more!

Tundras are unique because tundras are Cold, Snowy and because tundras have no trees.

Some interesting facts about the tundra are the Alaska pipeline in the tundra is 800 miles long and tundras cover around 20% of Earth’s surface.

This is a food web I made about tundras.

Week 3 Lima Beans

This is my no air plant after 3 weeks.

This is my controlled plant after 3 weeks

This is my no sunlight plant after 3 weeks.

Seeds can grow without soil but the plant doesn’t get the nutrients it needs from the soil.

No Sunlight

The no sunlight plant is unhealthy but it is growing really tall. If you are wondering why the plant is getting really tall? The answer is because it wants to get to find sunlight. If you want to compare the no sunlight to the controlled lima bean they are about the same height.  The different part is that the no sunlight is not as healthy. To me I think the no sunlight plant is doing in the middle because it is getting carbon dioxide but it’s not getting the sunlight for photosynthesis.

No Air

My no air plant is not good at all. The no air didn’t grow because the plant needs carbon dioxide to breathe and it did not get carbon dioxide. If you were going to compare the no air to the controlled ,the controlled is better because it has leaves and the top of the plant is coming out of the bag. To me I think the no air is doing the worst because it’s not getting the carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, but it is still getting the sunlight it needs.


My controlled plant is doing good. It’s getting the carbon dioxide and the sunlight the plant needs. It grew roots then root hairs then the stem then the leaves. To me the controlled plant is doing the best because it’s not unhealthy like the no sunlight or it’s not like the no air and it’s not getting carbon dioxide that’s why I think the controlled plant is doing the best.


As the plant started to grow it changed first it grew roots then the root hairs then the stem and then it started to grow leaves and now it’s a plant. In other words it was a seed then a seedling then a young plant then the final stage a mature plant.

Seed Pods


I learned that pollination is that when an insect takes pollen from one plant and puts onto another. When the two pollen grains mix it forms a seed. The seed grows in a pod with other seeds then the seed comes out and an animal or the wind takes to the seed somewhere it can start to grow and the process starts over again. If you were wondering how the animals gets attracted to the plant this is why, the plant grows beautiful petals and a has a good smell.


My Plant

We pollinated my plant and in the next few days the plant lost a lot of petals but then it grew seed pods. If you are wondering how the seed pods started to grow. The seed pods started to grow from the pollinating we did. We put the pollen from someone else’s plant onto ours and made the pod.


My Plant In The Next Few Days

I think next my plant will lose all the petals and it will die. Then we will have to take the seed pods off the dead plant.

Week 1 Of Plant Unit

On May 3rd we planted our controlled plant. We had to get the cells and put wicks in the cells then we planted. The controlled one was just like planting a regular plant we did not change anything. So there was just soil, seeds and ferdilizer  So you will just see a normal plant grow. On May 3rd we planted our manipulative plant, but before that we had to set up the cells just like we did before we planted the controlled. A manipulative is when you change one of the thing a regular plant uses to something else an example is to change the soil to coffee grinds. (just like I did.) Then you have to see what will happen. We also recorded what our plant looked like every day. Also we numbered the cells to know which one we were talking about when we recorded it. We have to water the plant every day to keep it healthy. We also put the plant under a light that we pretended was the sun.

My plants after one week