Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is not just a man who helped segregation end. Oh no, he was more. A hero. A pastor. A Noble Peace Prize winner, a master speaker, a black leader, and the man who made the civil rights act a thing. And, sadly, a man assassinated.

King was born January 15, 1954. Only his name wasn’t Martin Luther Jr. when he was born. His name was Michael Jr, after his father. When Michael was five years old, his father, who was a pastor, changed both of their names to Martin Luther, after a religious leader. Martin went to college at only fifteen years old, so you can imagine how smart he was! After he graduated, he started preaching at the same church his dad did, but his journey was not done. He got a doctorate degree, and met the love of his live, Cortella Scott, who he married a year later. He became a pastor in Alabama. Perhaps his best victory is helping to get The Civil Rights Act, in which segregation was banned and laws added to make sure discrimination based on race would not occur, passed. Even after he was assassinated, people still carried on with his teachings. They practice civil disobedience and protest peacefully and for the same reasons. This was a great man, and his legacy shall live on.

Here is a timeline of Martin Luther King Jr’s life:

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