Capstone Post #2: Composing a Main Inquiry Question and Subquestions

I have finally narrowed down my main inquiry question! At first, I thought it was going to be “How do helmets protect athletes from traumatic brain injury,” but then I realized that is a weak question. I needed something better. So, with my mom and Mrs. Edwards’s help, I came up with this one: “How do helmets protect athletes from traumatic brain injury, how has the helmet design improved over the years, and how can it be further improved?” This we classify as a level 4 question, the best possible question you can have. After we came up with our main inquiry question, we had to compose subquestions.

We had to have at least five subquestions, all of the work towards answering our main inquiry question. This was much easier compared to coming up with the main inquiry question. I have 7 subquestions. They are:

  1. What is traumatic brain injury?
  2. What are some common causes of TBI in athletes?
  3. How are helmets designed to protect the brain?
  4. What are the parts of the helmet?
  5. What were early helmet designs?
  6. How do current helmet designs compare to older helmet designs?
  7. What improvements can be made to the helmets?

I feel that I have had a great start in Capstone and now I am ready to start investigating!

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