Rocketry revision

‍This year in 5th grade in the science unit we are making rockets. We made a inspiration board to inspire our thinking and get a feeling on how our water bottle rockets should be. We ran into some arguments on how things should be but we solved that. In the design process it was hard to agree into things like what should the nose cone be like? What should the colors be? We had a bit of arguments but we always agreed at the end. It was really fun when we got to build. We brought in materials, we cut things and we taped things. We went through some challenges while taping things. We made a mistake for taping the wrong things. We haven’t tried flying our water bottle rockets yet, but I can’t wait to! For Rocketry we also learned about Isaac Newton, we learned about his three laws of motion and how it effects the rockets. In rocketry we did a lot of research to learn what he did and the laws of motion so we could make our rocket better.

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