Capstone Blog Post #1

In class we have started something that is called Capstone! Capstone is something where you get to pick a topic, you can know a lot about it or it could be something you want to learn about. Another part of this project is to think of a main inquiry question, that is basically the big question and then pick five sub-questions. 

I chose the topic Barbie. I chose this because my sister had done it in the past and I know a lot about Barbie. So far I have taken notes on my sub questions and I got a lot of information like what the inspiration for Barbie was. 

In the beginning I had chosen a topic it was Tiktok. I chose that in the first place because it was something I really liked and knew about. I couldn’t exactly think of what I wanted my main Inquiry question to be, and decided maybe that wasn’t the best topic. I thought of Barbie and I already knew a lot about it, and it could be really fun for me. 

I’m really happy with my decision to go with Barbie. I am also excited to see the end result of my Capstone project. I’m excited to see what else I learn!