How do batteries work?

Batteries. They charge things what else. I can’t think of anything else, maybe I will just learn about them. I will tell you a few things about them as well! Let’s start learning!

A battery stores chemical energy and turns it into electrical energy.The chemical reactions in a battery involve the flow of electrons from one material (electrode) to another, through an external circuit. The flow of electrons provides an electric current that can be used to do some work.

How does a battery die?

When the active metal in the plates can no longer sustain a discharge current, a battery dies. That is the simple way to put it, but I thought that we were learning today! A car battery would “age” as the active positive plate material sheds due to normal expansion and contraction that occurs during the discharge and charge cycles.

Well that’s all for toDay on batteries did you learn a lot? If you did maybe you want to ask questions and learn more about batteries!

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