Passion project #7

Some parts of this project were hard, and some weren’t. One thing that was hard for me was That I did not have a teacher who could help me. We had zooms, but there is only a limited amount of time and the teacher can’t really help one individual person. My mom had to help me, and she is definitely not as good of a teacher as Mr. Deberry. One thing I liked is that we got to make our own schedule, and be very independent with this project. We got to choose when we wanted to do things, and we could spread it out over the course of a day, not 45 minutes like what we would be doing in class. This also helped us become more prepared for things that might happen in the future. Something else I also struggled with were my blog posts. At one point they were not working, and I had to skip some of them. I ope I don’t get credit taken off for these posts because I checked back every day to see if it was working, ad today is the first time it did. I was so happy, but I still don’t know what happened. I had to learn to do many things on my own in order to complete this project. One of those things was learning how to choose a topic. Last year when I did my capstone, my teacher gave out packets and we discussed it with partners. Our teacher also chatted with us individually about our topics and we chose our min question, sub questions, and more. This time I did not have a teacher right next to me and that was hard. I am very proud of myself for everything I have done and I did not know I was capable of doing such a big project all by myself!

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