About Me Scratch Project

My about me project on scratch shows many things I like. For example, it shows the logo of my camp and camp is something that I really like. I also used other sprites. Some of them were my dog, a picture of me, a design of my name, a picture of my bunk at camp,… Continue Reading About Me Scratch Project

Passion project #7

Some parts of this project were hard, and some weren’t. One thing that was hard for me was That I did not have a teacher who could help me. We had zooms, but there is only a limited amount of time and the teacher can’t really help one individual person. My mom had to help… Continue Reading Passion project #7

Passion project #4

Working on this project I learned that I am a bad time manager even though I already knew that. I also learned that I’m also a procrastinator, even though I already knew that too. I’m very behind on research and usually I don’t have time to do it until my bedtime, and then my parents… Continue Reading Passion project #4

Passion project #3

So far in my passion project I haven’t done that much, but I did start my research. I am using the template Mr. Deberry gave us for my notes. It is really helpful. today I would like to do more than two boxes, because yesterday I did not get that much done and I want… Continue Reading Passion project #3

Passion project #2

I will be starting my research today. I will make sure the resources are credible by checking other resources to see if the facts are true. I will use the library resources because I already know they’re credible. I am trying to improve upon some nonfiction reading skills. One of them is chunking the text… Continue Reading Passion project #2

Passion Project #1

My topic is sleepaway camp. My process for choosing this topic was very long. I knew I wanted to do something on sleepaway camp, but it took me a little bit to find what about it that I want to do. I wrote a proposal letter, but I couldn’t find any sources at first. My… Continue Reading Passion Project #1

Technology Post 10

When I finished setting everything up for my flashlight, I had to solder the circuit. I went over to the soldering station and put my safety goggles on. I soldered the different parts of the circuit together and tested it. It worked! I took apart my flashlight and put the circuit inside it. My wires… Continue Reading Technology Post 10

Technology Post 9

Today I went for extra help. It was very helpful. I was sort of behind, and this gave me a big boost on my project. I started by looking through the scrap bin because my pipes needed to be shorter and it was too hard to saw just a little bit off. I had a… Continue Reading Technology Post 9

Technology Post 8

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!❤️🎃 today in technology we continued working on our flashlight projects. I cut and stripped my wires and sawed my pipes. I think my progress is good and I will be done getting my supplies ready soon. Also, my measurements are very precise so I hope I will get a good grade on this… Continue Reading Technology Post 8

Technology Post 7🔦

This week we started a new unit. We ended the breadboard circuit unit by playing the switch game. For this game, we flipped down two regular playing cards and whichever side a red card was on, we flipped the switch on that side. If the cards were both red, we would flip the one in… Continue Reading Technology Post 7🔦