The Tubing Trip

I felt like I was going to fall off. The boat was really fast. The tube was hitting wave after wave after wave. “THIS IS SO FUN!” Devin screamed holding onto the tube not wanting to fall off.

“THIS IS AWESOME!” Spencer screamed.

“There is salt water in my eye,” I said. “Ow!” I wiped the salt water off my eye. “Where is Devin and Spencer?”

All of a sudden my tube was sinking. BOOM! My head went right into the water and then the boat picked me up. My dad started to water ski. He is so good he could do tricks. He was jumping and holding on with one hand. It was really cool. After my mom, Spencer and Devin tried it was my turn. I jumped off the boat and got into the skis. My dad helped me put them on. I was nervous. “I’m going to fall off!” I thought. All of a sudden, the boat started. I tried to hold onto the rope and get up but then I fell. I only got one shot.

“Good try, Brody! Maybe you’ll do it next time.” My dad was circling me with the boat. I had a really fun day.


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