We Need More Magazines

I think all third grade classes should have magazines too. In my opinion piece, I shared my reasons which are magazines have more up to date information, the articles are interesting, there are cool games and we can learn what’s happening around the world.

In my project, I created a screencastify that shared my opinion piece. It was a fun project but was a little challenging. I liked recording  my piece and writing it. What was hard was trying to find a quiet place to record. I hope you watch my slideshow and agree that we need more magazines.

2 thoughts on “We Need More Magazines

  1. We do need more magazines! I loved your presentation! You came up with some great reasons and pictures to support them! Great job!

  2. What a persuasive argument you made Brody. I enjoyed every minute of it and agree, magazines are a great idea! Love Mom and Dad

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