Feature Article Reflection

  A few weeks ago Mrs. Cooper assigned us to make feature articles. Making them was very fun and I’m going to tell you the process.  First, we had to come up with a topic and I already had some ideas. I decided to go…

Choosing a Topic for my Feature Article 

  Our class is starting a new writing unit where we will be writing feature articles. In this unit, I was thinking about five topics. Volleyball, softball, dogs, and NYC At first, I was pretty settled on softball but then I realized that I didn’t want…

Personal Narrative Reflection

  When Miss. Cooper first assigned narrative writing, I was excited because I love to write stories and I already had ideas.  At first, I had an idea to write about my dog but then I realized that I don’t have much to write because…

Making A Magnet Part two

Today in science my group and I made a temporary magnet like last science, but this time we wrapped one quarter of wire around the bolt and then we learned it can not hold any paper clips. Then we tried two quarters of wire on…

Narrative Build

This build shows where I had lunch with my cousin, it was in New York City. I had a great time in New York at lunch and writing the story of that time. It was hard but I did it. At first I thought I…

Making A Magnet

In science with my science team and I. Working with my group we made a magnet with a bolt  a battery a battery holder a insulated wire and paper clip. Jaba and me wraped the wire around the bolt we cold not overlap the wire…

Science With Magnets

  Today in science we learned about magnets and how they can work. in station’s One thing that I learned was that if you put a magnet on a table and a magnet under a table in the same spot you can move it wit…

The Day With My Cousin

My mom and I were meeting my cousin at a restaurant. We walked from the  American Girl store carrying a big bag and a small bag. When we got to the restaurant we saw my cousin. I was so excited I gave her a hug…