How I used energy this weekend

This weekend I was at home so I could not go out and socialize but I still got exercise in. I went out in the yard and played tennis agenst the garage. Using kinetic energy from my hand and transferring it onto my racket and then onto my ball then when it hits the garage door the energy gets reflected back at my racket and so on and so forth. I also ran around my house a few times. When you run the kinetic energy from your feet push agenst the ground making you run.

Technology breakout/escape room

Yesterday we did a brEakout in tech. We had two teams and each 3 locks pluse a bonus box that we had to race to open. We tied because they opened their last lock first but we opened the bonus box. I opened two of the four lockS our team opened. (The direction Lock and the bonus lock). Our direction lock was jammed so that slowed us down a bit.



oh and I also put a riddle here if you can find it out you will get the secret code to the bonus box 🙂

the clues were really easy to find.