messy science

Today in class we did a science experiment about mixtures and solutions. We had 3 different solvents and 1 solute. The sugar was the solute and the solvent was oil water and vinegar. But first we had to make pink sugar. We got food coloring and sugar then we mixed food coloring with sugar and make pink sugar.

Then we made a hypothesis my hypothesis was if we mixed the sugar with the oil then it would float to the bottom and I was correct but some went to the top. It was sticky and slow like syrup. But pink like slime. also the middle stayed the same. I think this because the oil is lighter then the sugar and the color is lighter then both so that’s how it went to the top

Then we made another hypothesis for the water I thought that it would be pink sugar water. Then when we mixed it with water making pink sugar water that was easy to hypothesize. But some of the sugar did not dissolve I think this happened because the water could only hold a certain amount of sugar

then we did our last experiment we mixed the the sugar with the vinegar. my hypothesis was that it would be smelly and pink looking. It was smelly that was for sure but it was more orange. I think that this happened because the color spreads out and grows lighter.

I had no questions but a lot of answers

Passion project 2

My passion project is going good so far my first experiment worked ( i will post pictures of that latter) and my chicken bone project is working pretty good. My Hypothesis is that the vinegar will take out the Calcium in the bone and make it rubbery. the bone is starting to look weird. If any of you want to try this at home all u need is a raw chicken bone and vinegar. first put the chicken bone in the bowl then poor in the vinegar and let it set for one or two weeks.