Only One You – A Book Review

One you, one world, who’s who?

That’s my six word memoir for this book. Only One You has captured the meaning of when to conform and when to be a non-conformist. This book reminds me of the book Star because of the imaginative view on things. The fish hook page probably helped a lot of kindergartens understand the meaning of the book. Adri, the main character asked his dad what he was talking about one day. The dad gave a beautiful answer. He talked about lots of things, not just one, which was really nice.

Linda made the book really come to life with the illustrations. The stones on the letters, the 3D fish, all of it. But my favorite was the fish hook. Since she was using fish as people, she thought of a problem the might have. A fish hook was a great idea because it’s a real problem fish have! The fish hook might resemble a feeling, or a everyday problem. This book means a lot to me, because I am the one who does not like to follow the current in some things.

This book really makes me appreciate the world and the way it is. It kind of adds on to our fourth grade big topic, sustainability. Sustainability is when you make the world a better place for the next generation. I feel like Linda really tried to put it in the book and still go along with the other things she was talking about, and she did a great job with it. I hope you will read this book someday.


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