Capstone – pt 1 – The Beginning

The end of fifth grade is here! Which means, at home or not, CAPSTONE! I chose law and the courtroom for my topic, because I have a older cousin who is an attorney, and I have always loved the idea of the courtroom. We did some preparing, but we didn’t really start the unit until this week. We did some organizers and picked our topics, but this week really kicked it off. So I dived right in with the questions. We have to do a main inquiry question and five sub inquiry questions for our Capstone presentation. Once we got the questions down, we searched for reliable resources to get our information from. This, (I can’t lie) was a grueling process, to find something reliable, recent, and not some crazy random website that you have never heard of. Thankfully, in a short time (well, not that short) I found reliable resources. And now, I am collecting notes for my questions. Overall, the start was a bit slow, but I am looking forward to the end product.

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