Archive of ‘Capstone’ category


When I wrote part three I thought that was going to be the end of capstone, but I was wrong!

We were showing the videos for our capstone, and I thought mine was great. Fast, with tons of information that I was going to share. That came back to bite me in the back, because it was too fast, and even I couldn’t understand my capstone! And with some public humiliation, I realized it wasn’t going to make the cut. I was devastated. For two whole days I was in a bad mood, not perking up anytime. But today I realized I needing to change it. I realized I needed to redo my capstone. All of it. Script, recording, media. I had to change it all. I took my 993 word script and cut it too 644 words. I took away run on sentences, other information I didn’t need, and every bit of excess stuff off. That took an hour. Then, I rerecorded my video, from beginning to end, I redid it ALL. It was slower, and shorter, and way easier to understand. Then, I took my images, and tailored them to the words. It was hard, and I had to get it exactly right. But finally after hard work, my spirts were lifted, and I had finished my capstone, another time. Thank goodness I did that. It was so much better this time. Thank you to my father for helping me with the project! Whew! A big weight has been lifted off my shoulders!

Capstone – pt 3 – Finish!

After hours and hours of hard work on the script of my capstone, which includes my interview, my information, and my questions, I finally finished working on the hardest part of the capstone, the script. I poured over information for the past month, searching for answers to the questions I have asked at the beginning of this. Finally, I collected all the information I needed to start working on my script. I strived to write formally instead of the classic informal writing I use in this blog post. That was very very hard, and I didn’t enjoy that at all. But soon, the script was ready to go, and I could start working on my movie. Over the past two days, I worked my head off recording and animating my movie in WeVideo, a movie software that we used for other projects in the past. I scanned the internet for free pictures and terminology that I needed. It was hard work, but I finally finished the movie! Overall, I am proud of my work, having spent almost a month filling out the requirements for the project, and it will probably prepare me for middle school.

I also need to answer my main question, “How do the different participants in a courtroom trial interact to conduct a trial and reach a verdict?” That was a tough one, because there were two answers to it. One for criminal cases, and one for civil cases. For criminal cases, the system is harsh. The defense fights with the prosecution, the judge oversees, and the jury watches. For civil cases, the plaintiff fights with the defendant, but it could be the judge or the jury watching the trial. That is the answer to my main inquiry question. I would like to thank Mike Gluck, Mr Casal, and Mrs. Robert for helping me with this project.

Here is the link:

Capstone – pt 2 – Interview

As part of our capstone project, we have to do an interview for our presentation. I am doing the law and the courtroom for my project, and I just so happened to have an older cousin who worked as a defense attorney for criminal cases. I wanted to interview someone I could trust for this, and I found the perfect person! But before I could do the interview, I had to write the questions for it. I spent hours working on the perfect questions, but I didn’t have to. After I finished, I realized that the questions weren’t as hard as I thought, and I shouldn’t have been too hard on myself. So I put my best foot forward, and did my interview.

And I did great! (In my humble opinion) Mike, my interviewee (Public Defense Attorney of Criminal Law) was as excited as I was for the interview. He answered my questions with a lot of thought and detail and I believe I did a pretty good job taking notes, even with the unbearable spelling errors. In this post I thank Mike for the interview and all the good information he gave me.

I hope you all are well.

Capstone – pt 1 – The Beginning

The end of fifth grade is here! Which means, at home or not, CAPSTONE! I chose law and the courtroom for my topic, because I have a older cousin who is an attorney, and I have always loved the idea of the courtroom. We did some preparing, but we didn’t really start the unit until this week. We did some organizers and picked our topics, but this week really kicked it off. So I dived right in with the questions. We have to do a main inquiry question and five sub inquiry questions for our Capstone presentation. Once we got the questions down, we searched for reliable resources to get our information from. This, (I can’t lie) was a grueling process, to find something reliable, recent, and not some crazy random website that you have never heard of. Thankfully, in a short time (well, not that short) I found reliable resources. And now, I am collecting notes for my questions. Overall, the start was a bit slow, but I am looking forward to the end product.