Posts Tagged ‘Passion’

First Passion Project!

We are starting our first passion project! Yippy! We are doing it on issues that are happening in our life and the world. I chose poverty. Why? Because it is something happening in the world right now, and it is a super big problem. Poverty can happen when a person doesn’t have food, water, a house and a job. Once you are in, it is very hard to get out. People in poverty are mostly in Africa because (I think) there is so little water and so little food that more people drop into poverty than anywhere else. (This may be a false statement, it is probably true) That is why I want to do my passion project on this. It is a very interesting topic. People, like me say that poorer countries have more poverty than others. That has been shown correct. All this stuff is very interesting to me and that is why I chose this.