Reflection On Overall Debates

Debate 1, I really enjoyed our debate. Some people went way off topic which was hard to focus, we still helped him as much as we could. We got him back on track.It gave us a chance to do research and find reason why the other side should not over power and become more important. We  had our first debate it went fairly well. Everyone in our group had a few things they had to work on. It turned out that we were trying to actually win the debate and not help each other. Not knowing the other sides reasons it was hard for us to acknowledge their reasons because we did not know there reason. We also wrote down the whole thing on a flash card, which did not help because it forced us to look at the card and not be looking at the audience. We said um a lot and got very distracted easily. Except for those few mistakes we did well

Debate 2, Our group did very well compared to our first debate. A few things we did better were our reasons and evidence, we were not worried, and everyone focused on the person who was talking instead of looking in lala land. But on the other side there were some things we could of done a lot better like not laugh even if other people were making funny hand motions, not pause/hesitate etc. We did not work as a team we worked as two teams Underwater and Space. Even sometimes we worked as four teams everyone on their own. In the end we started to group together and become one team. Instead of hiding our reasons and evidence we showed everyone our reasons so we could help improve other people’s. Even though I wanted to be on the Space side it was very fun.

Heres my link to my Debates

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