This is my Poem Being Read Aloud

My Recorded Poem Click Here!!!!


I Wish

I wish I can see him again.

I wish he would come back just for me.

I wish I could tell him what it’s like without him.

I wish so hard but it won’t come true.


Blog Reflection:

I wrote this poem about my best friend who moved away. His name was Adam. Even though I did not mention his name this poem was for him. One reason why I did not mention his name is because some people do not know him. Another reason is because it was not just meant for him but it was meant for anyone who knew someone close to them that has moved away. My lesson of my poem that I am trying to get across is that you should be nice to the people  you like because they might not always be there for you.

This is My Poetry Festival Poem



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I Remember

By Carson Cohen


I Remember

My First time playing soccer.

I Remember

Cutting my foot open.

I Remember

My first day at school.

I Remember

writing this poem.

I Remember

the stories my dad tells me.

I Remember

the bad sub I had in Hebrew School.

I Remember

My first year at camp.

I Remember

getting lost at Disney World.

I Remember good and bad things.

Blog Post:

I did not rhyme my poem because I thought it weird if I forced it to rhyme. I tried to have different time in my life by changing how old I was. For Example, I had a bad sub in hebrew school recently, but My first time playing soccer was about seven year ago. My favorite line in the poem is probably the last line “I Remember Good And Bad Tings.” That is my favorite line because it shows that everything in life will not all ways go the way you want it too and that you will still remember bad things.


This is My Picture Poem

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There they stood

Copying me

Having a staring contest

We ran

But they followed.

We jumped up and down

So did they.

They called me copycats but

So did I.

They left when I left.

Mainly because the mirror fell.

Blog Reflection:

In my poem Strangers. I am talking about me in a mirror. I try not to tell the audience that it is a mirror not a random stranger copying every move I do. I wait till the last line to tell them that it is a mirror. I also give the audience a hint withthe picture of a cartoon character standing in front of a mirror. I thought of the idea of writing about this topic for my poem because of I was once reading a poem about real people who copied each other. After I read that poem a lightbulb hung over my head.

Rube Goldberg

Building my Rube Goldberg.

While building my Rube Goldberg I realized that my Rube Goldberg was  nearly impossible. It was hard because a domino had to fall and hit another one from a four foot drop. I started making adjustments by taking out steps so it could actually work which left me with seven steps. Another problem I went through was that the zipline would not go all the way down it would stop at the tape where I connected the two strings to make one string. Overall I was able to fix these problems by making a knot instead of tape.

Rube Goldberg

Is it better for me to work alone or with a partner?

I think it easier for this project. One reason is that I can make my own changes when ever I have free time instead of waiting once or twice a week to meet with my group. Being able to be able to have the ability to change whatever you want because you can just do it instead of having to explain your theory.

Rube Goldberg

If I were to change something:

If I were to change something in my Rube Goldberg Group I would have a partner. I think it would be a lot more fun with a partner and my Rube Goldberg would be a lot better because my partner and I would be able to brainstorm ideas.

Rube Goldberg

What did I have In my Rube Goldberg?

In my Rube Goldberg I have a fooze ball which I push one of the handles which pushes a soccer ball down a ramp hits dominoes, Knocks a ball the ball falls a 3 foot drop hits more dominoes, knocks a ball into a tube hits a stack of cups with a baseball on top that has a string connected to the baseball and a soccer ball so when the baseball drops it pulls the soccer ball, and from the soccer ball I have a rope connected that pulls a duct tape bag with my phone in it down a zip line and brings me my phone.

Rube Goldberg

Day 1:

My first group was Max, Ty,  Michael H, Michael Marks and I. After school we all went to Ty’s house to brain storm. I realized that after 10 minutes this group was not going to work out! During the process Michael H did not do any work and was going off topic. Also Michael M did a decent amount of work. After about 40 minutes  Ty disappeared we looked everywhere and than when we found him he was on his bed on his laptop. Max and Idid not take a break wile everyone else did.  Overall we got some work done.