Making My Final Project #6

After I finished answering my main inquiry question. I started to work on my final project. I had a lot of ideas. My first idea was a talk show which my teacher said I could not do. Then I wanted to show a talk show where I would ask random people (people in my school) questions to answer my main question. My teacher, well said no to that.  So then I was left with a TedTalk. I started my TedTalk. After my I got to my fourteenth slide I had no more ideas. I was not the only one who was stuck on needing more slides, my friends were also stuck. Then I thought of an idea to add my  Interview and site visit. after that I was at slide number seventeen. So I decided to make highlights of my interview with the video I took. Then I used a app that Ty told me about and made another one of my interviews in cartoon form because I did not inteerview him in person.

I started to practice. It was not long enough. It was about 3-4 minutes. And I knew it was supposed to be way longer then that. I did it again but it was only a few seconds longer.

We went to the computer lab and I watched other people do there TedTalks to see how I can improve mine. In my head I made a list of what I should do and what I should not do. Here is the list.

Should do

  • look at the audience
  • be conversational
  • Talk slow
  • Stand on  the side of the screen

Not Do

  • not look at the audience
  • stand in the middle of the screen
  • stand stil
  • talk really fast

then when I was in the computer lab the intern Ben said something very interesting he said that when you are doing a TedTalk or a presentation or something in front of a big audience you tend to talk really fast even when you think you are  talking slow. So you have to talk as if you are in slow motion and you ate really talking normal in real life. Ben said you tend to do this because you are nervous and you want to get it done with so you say it as fast as you can.

I went back to the drawing board for my TEDTalk. Or in this case Google slides. I re did it and it was 4-5 minutes but that was not enough. I asked someone to read my presentation and look at me do it. They said slow it down. I slowed down and it was at 7-8 minutes and that was exactly what I needed.

The day I shared I was nervous. I shared it in front of the class to get feedback. I was ready. I thought of the list I made for my Do do and don’t do.  I went over it again and did everything that it said to do and not to do. I printed out my script and was pumped but terrified. I walked up on stage well the rug and performed it went really good I just made 1 or two mistakes . I got stuck and lost my spot on one of the slides but it was good.

I called on some people and they gave me feedback. One person said, I like how you made the Everton (the app that you put stuff into cartoon form) another person said, They liked how I did not say I’m or like very much and I had good eye contact.

Then we went on to my teachers. She said it was great I just needed to delete part of my highlights because it was to long. She said overall it was great.

I asked my teacher how long my Ted talk was she said like 9 minutes and 48 seconds.i did not even play all of the video I only played about one minute.

What do I wish I did?





TALK SHOW ON THE STREET (Described up at the top of this post)


I don’t think a ignite would be my best because talking for 3 minutes would not be enough time to answer my question and with the slides changing every 15 seconds. I don’t think so because I like to talk a lot and go into deep detail.


I don’t think making a iMovie because I want to practice for middle school on presentations. And I don’t think a talk show would be the best way.

How do I think I did?

I think for my TEDTalk I did great and If I could change something it would be to just try and memorize it more and not be looking at the paper and be looking at my audience. Good thing it was just a practice and not the real one.

Was my TEDTALK easy or hard?

My TEDTALK was easy for the majority of the time but every now and then it was a little challenging. Some of the challenging parts were when I was stuck on making new slides and I had no more ideas and when the whole TEDTALK was not long enough.

I had fun with my TEDTALK and can’t wait to perform live in front of a big audience and lots of parents.

Click her to see my TED Talk Slides

Click here to see my TEDTALK script





One thought on “Making My Final Project #6

  1. Carson, what a thoughtful post! I loved your “do’s” and “don’ts” and how you decided on the format of your final project. You have every reason to be proud of your final product!

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