Capstone Interview #3

Finally, I finished my sub questions.I now have to research the topic so I did a little research and then had to find someone to interview.I found two Nutritionist, Keri Glassman , Lara Metz , and emailed them to see if I can call them or meet them in person, They both said that a call would work better because of there schedule.

The next thing I had to do was come up with my interview questions which was easy, I came up with interview questions like:
How did you become interested in Nutrition?
What do you think are the most important things children should be eating to stay healthy?
How do you think a healthy diet impacts children’s learning?
How do you think eating well affects children’s physical growth?
How do you think eating well affects children’s social-emotional growth?
How do you think poor nutrition impact children’s lives?
What kinds of health problems are common in children with poor diets?
What foods do you think lead up to health problems?
How does a child going on a diet impact them? Do you think it’s a good idea for children to do that if they are obese? Why or why not?
How has your experience changed what you think about nutrition?
What has caused the increase in child obesity?
What are the main problems associated with not eating healthy?
It seems that food allergies have increased over the years, why do you think that is?
What impact do you think food allergies have on nutrition?
In your experience, how do you think allergies affect people’s lives?

Then came the morning of the two interviews and I was very nervous. I talked to Lara first on the phone and then Keri it went by quickly and I felt more comfortable as I asked the questions. The interview were awesome and I got a lot of information. For instance, the most important information I found was The impact on childrens learning, They both taugh me that eating healthy lowers your absences, increases your test scores and lastly, makes your brain function better.

I cant wait for my site visit.


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